

teaching staff


姓 名 张世红 性 别
职 称 教授(博导) 毕业学校
联系方式 027-87542417-8210
邮 箱 shzhang@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 武汉市珞喻路1037号伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室
多年来一直秉承理论研究为基础、以探索过程机理带动技术创新的理念从事化石燃料、生物质、固废等高效、清洁热化学转化的研究工作,致力于提高热转化效率,降低粉尘、N2O、SO2、NOX、CO2和有机污染物的排放。作为项目负责人承担了国家重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金、攻关项目20余项,工业锅炉和炉窑节能减排应用课题50余项,研发了10~130t/h工业流化床锅炉系列新产品和多种热功率流化床高温烟气炉,负责组织完成了中美清洁能源中心3MW碳捕获平台试验基地的建设、国家支撑计划“富氧燃烧碳捕获关键技术、装备研发及工程示范” (35MW)的项目建设,发表学术期刊、会议论文200余篇,合作出版专著两部,获授权发明、实用新型专利50余项,“高效低耗流化床燃煤工业设备关键技术及应用”课题获国家科技进步二等奖,另外还获得省部级科技发明和科技进步一、二等奖各2项、湖北省优秀博士论文奖。


    1988/09 – 1991/06,华中理工大学,动力工程系,硕士,导师:林志杰,刘德昌
    1. 2011/10- 至今   伟德国际1946源自英国碳捕捉、利用与封存研究所,副所长
    2. 2004/10- 至今   伟德国际1946官方网,教授,博士生导师
    3. 1999/07-2004/09 华中理工大学动力工程系,副教授
    4. 1993/10-1999/06 华中理工大学动力工程系,讲师
    5. 1996/08-1996/12 法国国家科学中心材料与工艺研究所,访问学者
    6. 1991/05-1993/09 华中理工大学动力工程系,助教




    1.    国家重点研发计划子课题,2018YFB0605204,有机污染物与其他污染物的协同控制技术,2018/05-2021/04,463万,主持,在研
    2.    国家重点专项子课题,2016YFB0600203-02,660MW高效超超临界循环流化床锅炉提效技术研究-660MW高效超超临界循环流化床锅炉发电机组的低能耗技术研究,2016/07-2020/12,90万,主持
    4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51276075,富氮生物质焦联合脱除碳硫氮污染物的机理研究,2013/01-2016/12,80万元,已结题,主持
    1.    煤炭富氧水蒸气流化床气化实验与模拟研究,2019.4-2021.6,100万
    2.    生物质流化床气化炉系列化技术研究,2018.4-2019.12,150万
    3.    生活垃圾焚烧炉CFD模拟设计,2017.5-2018.4,35万
    4.    燃用甲醇1.25MPa、2t/h饱和蒸汽锅炉研发设计,2016.6-2017.12,20万
    5.    烤烟用生物质衍生高热值燃料流化床燃烧技术研发,2012.3-2014.12,30万
    6.    75t/h 链条锅炉改造为循环流化床锅炉技术,2008.12-2011.12,106万
    7.    双床并置流化床超高温烟气发生技术,2005.5-2008.12,55万
    8.    35t/h CFB锅炉完善化改造技术,2006.8-2008.12,68万
    9.    WGZ35/3.82-27型燃油锅炉改燃煤循环流化床锅炉设计研发,2002.5-2004.12,40万
    10.    SHFX20-1.25-LII型锅炉综合治理技术开发,1999.12-2002.4,96万


    1.    Xinjie Liao, Jingai Shao, Shihong Zhang*, Xiangpeng Li, Effects of CO2 and CO on the reduction of NO over calcined limestone or char in oxy-fuel fluidised bed combustion,2019, IET Renewable Power Generation.
    2.    Zhang S#, Yang M, Shao J, et al. The conversion of biomass to light olefins on Fe-modified ZSM-5 catalyst: Effect of pyrolysis parameters. Science of The Total Environment. 2018;628-629: 350-357.
    3.    Zhang S#, Zhang H, Cai J, et al. Evaluation and Prediction of Cadmium Removal from Aqueous Solution by Phosphate-Modified Activated Bamboo Biochar[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2017.
    4.    Zhang X, Zhang S*, Yang H, et al. Generalized two-dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy to reveal mechanisms of CO2 capture in nitrogen enriched biochar. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2017;36: 3933-3940.
    5.    Zhang Xiong, Zhang Shihong*, Yang Haiping, Shao Jingai, Chen Yingquan, Liao Xinjie, Wang Xianhua, Chen Hanping, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 1540-7489, 2017. 36(3): 3933-3940.
    6.    Yang J, Ma S, Zhao Y, Zhang J, Liu Z, Zhang S, Zhang Y, Liu Y, et al. Mercury emission and speciation in fly ash from a 35 MWth large pilot boiler of oxyfuel combustion with different flue gas recycle. Fuel. 2017;195: 174-181.
    7.    Mei Y, Che Q, Yang Q, Draper  Christopher, Yang H, Zhang S, Chen H, et al. Torrefaction of different parts from a corn stalk and its effect on the characterization of products. Industrial Crops and Products. 2016;92: 26-33.
    8.    Xiong Zhang, Shihong Zhang*, High temperature ammonia modification of rice husk char to enhance CO2 adsorption: Influence of pre-deashing, RSC Advances, Dec 2015
    9.    Xiong Zhang, Shihong Zhang*, Effects of hydrofluoric acid pre-deashing of rice husk on physicochemical properties and CO2 adsorption performance of nitrogen-enriched biochar, Energy, Nov 2015.
    10.    Xiangpeng Li, Shihong Zhang*, Evolution of NOx Precursors during Rapid Pyrolysis of Coals in CO2 Atmosphere, Energy & Fuels, Otc 2015
    11.    Zhe Fu, Shihong Zhang*, MSW oxy-enriched incineration technology applied in China: Combustion temperature, flue gas loss and economic considerations, Waste Management, Feb 2015
    12.     Mei Y, Liu R, Yang Q, Yang, H, Shao J, Draper Christopher, Zhang S, Chen H, et al. Torrefaction of cedarwood in a pilot scale rotary kiln and the influence of industrial flue gas. Bioresource Technology. 2015;177: 355-360.
    13.    Gao Y, Yu B, Wang X, Yuan Q, Yang H, Chen H, Zhang Shihong, et al. Orthogonal test design to optimize products and to characterize heavy oil via biomass hydrothermal treatment. Energy. 2015;88: 139-148.
    14.    Xiong Zhang, Shihong Zhang*, Nitrogen enriched biochar modified by high temperature CO2–ammonia treatment: Characterization and adsorption of CO2, The Chemical Engineering Journal, Dec 2014
    15.    Shenglei Du, Shihong Zhang, Effect of oxygen and steam on gasification of palm oil wastes, Waste and Resource Management, Feb 2014
    16.    Zixu Yang, Shihong Zhang*, Combustion behaviors of tobacco stem in a thermogravimetric analyzer and a pilot-scale fluidized bed reactor, Bioresource Technology, Jan 2012
    17.    Wang X, Chen H, Yang H, Ju F, Zhang S. Influence of pyrolysis condition and coal type on char gasification reactivity. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2012;7: S171-S176.
    18.    Chen Y, Yang H, Wang X, Zhang S, Chen H. Biomass-based pyrolytic polygeneration system on cotton stalk pyrolysis: Influence of temperature. Bioresource Technology. 2012;107: 411-418.
    19.    Ju F, Chen H, Yang H, Wang X, Zhang S, Liu D. Experimental study of a commercial circulated fluidized bed coal gasifier. Fuel Processing Technology. 2010;91: 818-822.
    20.    Shi-hong Zhang*, Lu-ning Tian, Xian-rong Zhou, Han-ping Chen, Hai-ping Yang, Xian-hua Wang .Experimental study on ash-returned reactor of CFB atmospheric air gasifier. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion.2009.653-659.
    21.    Shi-hong Zhang*, Hai-hua Luo, Han-ping Chen, Hai-ping Yang, Xian-hua Wang. Reburning characteristics of residual carbon in fly ash from CFB boilers. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion.2009.1067-1072.
    22.    Chen H, Li B, Yang H, Yang G, Zhang S. Experimental investigation of biomass gasification in a fluidized bed reactor. Energy & Fuels. 2008;22: 3493-3498.
    23.    Chen H, Yang H, Ju F, Wang J, Zhang S. The influence of pressure and temperature on coal pyrolysis/gasification. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2007;2: 203-212.
    24.    Shihong Zhang*, Dechang Liu,Research on the Properties of A Novel Granular Filter in Fluidized‐Bed, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering,v.7,No.3/4,1999:375-386


    1.    张世红(2/10),高效低耗流化床燃煤工业设备关键技术及应用,国家科技进步奖,二等奖。2013(陈汉平,张世红,刘德昌,陆继东,杨文,石虹,任鲁军,黄琳,吕雪峰,赖育华)
    2.    张世红(2/6),循环床下排气旋风分离技术及其应用,教育部科学进步奖,一等奖,2005(陈汉平,张世红,刘德昌,黄琳,林志杰,刘焕彩)
    3.    张世红(4/7),流化床燃烧的气动力、传热和N2O生成机理研究,教育部科学进步奖(基础理论类),一等奖,1999(刘德昌,冯波,陈汉平,张世红,林志杰,伍蔚恒,刘焕彩)
    4.    张世红,新型流化床颗粒层过滤器的研究,湖北省优秀博士论文奖,2003