

teaching staff


姓 名 傅培舫 性 别
职 称 教授(博导) 毕业学校
联系方式 02787542417-8306
邮 箱 pffu@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 武汉珞喻路1037号伟德国际1946官方网
99年起担任某中文核心期刊编委。01年加入中国空气动力学会物理气动力学分会,并任理事。02年被原煤炭工业部所属研究院聘为首席专家。现为Intl’ Symp. On Combustion (国际燃烧会议),Fuel, Intl’ J of Heat Fluid and Flow, etc. 10种以上英文会议、期刊和国内10余种中文核心期刊、EI期刊论文的评审专家;国家科技计划、国家自然科学基金、省部重点项目和科技奖、省部人才项目、教育部博士论文等通讯评议专家。现在站博士后3人,博士生1-6人(外籍1人),硕士研究生2-6人。撰写研究报告数十篇,申请专利16项,指导完成博士硕士研究生学位论文50余篇,已发表论文100余篇,SCI/EI收录50余篇。论文H因子22(基于CNKI和ISI of Web 数据)。


    2007.11-至今 伟德国际1946源自英国教授博导;
    2014.8-10 普林斯顿大学机械与航天航空系高级访问学者;
    2003.2-2005.5伟德国际1946源自英国 博士后,副教授;


     1 电化学---燃料电池,包含电池电化学热力学、电化学反应动力学和离子输运机理;电堆结构设计、研制、试验和模拟计算等;
    2 煤、生物质、污泥等的加压燃烧气化机理、理论建模和计算、燃烧器、喷嘴和炉体结构研制、性能测试;
    3 煤、生物质等燃烧过程中的沾污、结焦结渣与腐蚀,包括灰化学组分、晶型结构、流变特性、气固液的三相反应机理、沾污结渣过程的非平衡热力学与动力学、腐蚀反应动力学与防腐技术。
    4 空气动力装置、飞行器的新原理与开发。


    ⑴     The projects had been in charge of are followed:
    From National Natural Science Funds of China (NSFC)(主持的国家自然科学基金):
    Study on the multicomponent diffusion-controlled reaction mechanism on the surface of coal char under high pressure and temperature. 2016-2019.
    Active Site Changes on Surface of Coal/Char During Coal Pulverized Pressurized Combustion and Gasification.2011-2013.
    Study on the Mechanism of Reaction of Eutectic Mineral and Pulverized Coal Char and SCT Model. 2005-2007.
    Study on the influences of ash fusion on the reactivity of pulverized coal char.2004.
    Creative Team Program of NSFC: The Pollutions Forming and Control in Coal Combustion. 2008-2010; 2011-2013, (Cooperative research)

    From National Postdoctoral Funds of China(中国博士后基金):
    Study on the influence factors of oxygen- accessibility specific surface in the kinetic model SCT during pulverized coal char combustion. 2004.

    From Ministry of Science and Technology of People’s Republic of China (MOST_PRC)(科技部研究计划):
    Twelfth-Five-Years National Science and Technology Key Support Program(十二五重点支撑计划): 35MWth Oxyfuel Combustion and CO2 Capture Key Technology, Developing Device and Engineering Denmonstration.2011-2015(Cooperative research)

    Key Special Program OF MOST_PRC: R&D of New Type Axial Fan Series(科技部重点专项),1998-2002. (Leading Expert). The R&D of fan used in tunnel engineering and mining. The fan’s efficiency is at top level compared with other products, the annual product value of enterprise is tens million RMB. 开发了国际上第一台噪声小于85dB,效率高于85%的工业对旋轴流风机,并完成了10余个型号新型风机的试产,效率指标为同类产品的领先水平,年产值数千万元。
    Ninth-Five-Years National Key Tackle R &D Program(科技部九五攻关项目): Unsteady Combustion in Fullscale Tunnel Fire.1996-98.
    Eighth-Five-Years National Key Tackle R &D Program(科技部八五攻关项目): The Temperature, Compositions and Resistance in Fullscale Tunnel Fire.1991-93. (Cooperative research)
    From previous Ministry of Energy of People’s Republic of China: Software Development for Axial Fan Computer Auxiliary Design, 1994-96.
    From Fund of Coal Science Research Institute: Methane and Dust Dispersion in Tunnel Ventilation, 1991-93.

    ⑵     The projects of enterprise cooperations and engineering services(横向项目)
    Economic Evaluation of CHP cogeneration system of International Expo Conference Center, 2016.11-2018.3(国博中心冷热电联产系统能效分析).
    Simulation of flow field of Electrostatic precipitator-Bag filter used in coal-fired plant and Bag filter failure control, 2014.7-2015.6
    Pressurized Coal Gasification Quenching nozzles test, 2014.8-2015.3
    200MWe oxyfuel combustion and carbon dioxide capture basic theory and experiment research, 2011-2013 (had taken part in).
    Combustion and Stabilization in High Speed Flow Flame, 2010-2011.
    Pressurized Coal Gasification Quenching Technology and Device Development, 2008-2013.
    Axial Fan Retrofit, 2009-2012.
    Fuzzy control of combustion system in CFB, 2009-2010.
    The Similarity Theory in Situ Combustion for Heavy Oil Recovery, 2007-2008.
    Coal Blended Burning Properties and Optimizing operation in CFB, 2005-2006.

    ⑶     985 National Key Laboratory Construct Programs of China
    One Dimensional Test Furnace for Coal Combustion at High Temperature, 2012-2014


    FU Pei Fang; Yue Fang,A Kind of Method and Device Used To Prevent Slagging And Fouling, China, 2014101049265.
    FU Pei Fang; Li Meng Yang; Zheng Chu Guang; Niu Zhao Hui, A Kind of External Oxygen Injector Used for Oxyfuel Combustion, China, ZL2013208494392.
    FU Pei Fang; Li Meng Yang; Zheng Chu Guang; Niu Zhao Hui, A Kind of Internal Oxygen Injector Used for Oxyfuel Combustion, China, ZL2013107125747.
    FU Pei Fang; Yu Bo; Xu Cai Fu, High Temperature Mixtures Quenching Method and Device in Coal Pressurized Gasifier, China, CN201210471759.9
    Zhou Huai Chun, Fang Qing Yan, Wang Hua Jian, Fu Pei Fang, etc. Fine and Coarse Separated Coal Pulverized Combustion and Equipment. 2010.4.7, China, ZL 200710022202. 0

    Collaborative research work with Postdoctor supervised by Prof. FU(博士后研究工作)

    Direct carbon fuel cells structure optimization, Hassan Hajabdollahi, 2017.9-
    Investigation into the effect of pressure on the ash fusibility during pressurized gasification,Liu Yang,2017.2-
    Turbulent combustion simulation of the 660MW ultra supercritical W-shaped coal-fired boiler and analysis of the water wall damage cause,Jiang Zhi Wei, 2013.9-

    Doctor dissertations supervised(指导的博士论文)
    Zahra Hajabdollahi Ouderji. Multi-objective based configuration optimization of fuel cells cogeneration system(燃料电池联产系统多目标配置优化).2017.6
    Zhang Bin. Study on the ignition and combustion characteristics of coal/char (煤/焦着火燃烧特性的研究).2016.12
    Liu Yang. Study on the mechanism of coal char oxyfuel combustion in reaction kinetics-controlled regime(煤焦反应动力学控制区富氧燃烧机理研究).2016.11
    Yu Bo. Study on the properties of water spray and evaporation for the quenching of pressurized coal gasification(加压煤气化激冷水射流雾化特性研究).2014.6

    Master dissertations supervised(指导的硕士论文)

    [1] Study on ignition temperature of coal / coal char based on Semenov theory, Peng Zhi-Fu, 2017.6
    [2]Study on the Method of Measuring the Diffusion Coefficient of Binary Gas by Large Lateral Shearing Interferometry, Lu Cheng-Jian, 2017.6
    [3]Study on Sodium Release Behavior and Ash Melting Mechanism of Zhundong Coal, Tang Shi, 2017.6
    [4]Study on the characteristics of water jet under high back pressure and high temperature,Yang He, 2017.6
    [5]Study of High Velocity Oxygen Fuel spraying Coating Characteristics of Boiler Tube,Zhang Kai-Hong, 2017.6
    [6] Study on the Optimization of Flow Field in Bag Filter, Ming Zhang, 2016.6
    [7] Study on the Jet Flow Characteristics of Gas and Liquid under High Back Pressure. Su Ben-Zhan, 2016.6
    [8] The numerical simulation of the distribution of temperature field during startup in the pressurized pulverized coal gasifier. Xu Xiao-Kai, 2016.6
    [9] Experimental Study on Atomization Characteristics of Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow Nozzle under High Ambient Pressure, Li Ruo-Can, 2016.6
    [10] The Simulation of Interference Fringe for Binary Gas Diffusion under High Temperature and High Pressure,Huang Fei Long,2015.5
    [11] A method and application of radiant energy signal real time rectification on fuel online optimization,Qi Yi,2014.6
    [12] Applied Research of Organic Rankine Cycle in Low-Grade Industrial Waste Heat Recovery,Yang Jian Sen,2014.5
    [13] Response characteristics of load control parameters in supercritical and subcritical units,Wang Dan,2014.5
    [14] An Investigation on Transformation and Deposition Behavior of Alkali Metals in Biomass Combustion, Candidate: Chen Jing, 2014.1
    [15] Modelling the Ignition of Coal Particles, Li Meng Yang,2014.1
    [16] Performance Research on Direct Carbon Fuel Cell in Molten Hydroxide Electrolytes, Tao Zhang, 2014.1
    [17] Thermal Stress Analysis of the Water Wall Tube Bursting in a Supercritical W-Shaped Coal-Fired Boiler, Liu Xiao long, 2013.5
    [18] A Study on the Reaction Mechanism of HCN /NH2 Based on Quantum Chemistry Calculation, Chen Chen,2013.1.
    [19] An Investigation on Combustion Mechanism under the Condition of Magnetic Fields, Qian Wang, 2013.1.
    [20] Study on the Fuzzy-control in the Combustion System of a 480t/h Extreme Pressure CFB Boiler and its Application, Hu Peng ,2013.1.
    [21] A Laser Test System For Measuring Binary Gas Diffusion Coefficient and Simulation Under High Temperature and High Pressure, Wang Cao, 2012.1
    [22] Investigation on Enthalpy of Pulverized Coal Combustion and Experimental Determination of the Kinetics Parameter by Applying TG-DSC, Wang Na,2012.1
    [23] Measuring the Performance of Fan and Energy Efficiency Evaluation of CFB ,Lu Wen Feng, 2012.1
    [24] The Effect of Nozzle Structure of Airflow Distributor Plate on the Stability of Flow Field in the CFB Boiler, Zhang Yin,2011.6
    [25] Testing Method Research on Quench jet parameters in the High-Pressure Coal Gasification Process, XIA Tongwei,2011.1
    [26] Study on the Automatic Control of Combustion and its Application in 480t/h Extreme Pressure CFB Boilers, Zhang Shaoyong, 2011.1
    [27] Detect and Analysis of Flame Emissivity of Burning Mixture of Pulverized Coal and Gas Fuel Based on Image Processing, YU Chang, 2009.5
    [28] Thermal Analysis Experimental Study of Combustion Kinetics and Pyrolysis in Heavy Oil Recovery In Situ Combustion, Zhu Wen bing, 2009.5
    [29] Phase Transition and slagging of Coal Ash, Liu Hongwen,2009.5
    [30] Study on Combustion Characteristic of Pulverized Coals under Low-pressure by Using Thermogravimetry, Feng Liu,2009.5
    [31] The Data Acquisition System Design for a High Temperature One-dimension Furnace, Sun Yingwen,2009.5.
    [32] Thermal Gravimetric Study of the Kinetic Model SCT During Pulverized Coal-char Combustion and Experimental Determination of the Specific Heat by Applying DSC, Chen Xun, June, 2008
    [33] Study on Phase Transition and Mechanism of Coal Ash, Feng Jie, June, 2008
    [34] Analysis of Thermal Balance Test and Energy Saving for Coal-fired Power Plant Boiler, Yang HongMin,2007.11
    [35] Experimental Study of Oxygen-Accessibility Specific Surface Area and Effective Reaction Specific Surface Area during Pulverized Coal Combustion, Yu Na, June, 2007.
    [36] Experimental Study of Sulfur Transform during Coal combustion in CFB, Ma Qilei, June, 2007.
    [37] Experimental Study and Quantitatively Estimate on Thermal Expansion and Fragmentation    Characteristics of Coal Particle in Fluidized Bed, Yao Hai, November, 2006

    Journal publications selected SCI/EI
    Kang Bie, Peifang Fu*, He Zhou, and Shi Tang. Investigation of cathode polarization and carbon deposition in a molten carbonate direct carbon fuel cell. 6th Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coal and Biomass Utilisation Technologies, in Perth, Western Australia, 4 – 8 December 2017. Oral report.
    Zahra Hajabdollahi, Pei-Fang Fu*. Multi-objective based configuration optimization of SOFC-GT cogeneration plant. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 112:549-59. IF>3.0, Class A.
    Hajabdollahi Zahra, Hajabdollahi H, Pei-Fang Fu*. Improving the Rate of Heat Transfer and Material in the Extended Surface Using Multi-Objective Constructal Optimization. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017,115:589-596. IF=3.458, Class A(TOP)
    Bin Zhang, Peifang Fu*, Yang Liu, Fang Yue, Jing Chen, Huaichun Zhou, Chuguang Zheng. Investigation on the ignition, thermal acceleration and characteristic temperatures of coal char combustion. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 113: 1303–1312. IF>3.0.
    Yang Liu, Peifang Fu*, Bin Zhang, Fang Yue, Huaichun Zhou, Chuguang Zheng. Study on the surface active reactivity of coal char conversion in O2/CO2 and O2/N2 atmospheres. Fuel, 2016 181:1244–1256. IF=4.61
    B. Yu, P.F. Fu*, T. Zhang, H-C. Zhou.The influence of back pressure on the flow discharge coefficients of plain orifice nozzle. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 44 (2013) 509-514.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2013.08.005
    Chen, Jing; Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhang, Bin; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Deposition and sintering behavior of alkali metals and chlorine in biomass combustion. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2014 35 (7) :1453-1456.Chinese
    Zhou, Ru-Chang; Fang, Qing-Yan; Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Effect of additives on the combustion characteristics of an Australia coal under O2/CO2 atmosphere. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2011 32(12): 2151-2155.   
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Wang, Na; Yu, Bo; Zhang, Bin; Liu, Yang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Investigation on the transient enthalpy of coal combustion. Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, p 287-292, 2012.
    Fang, Qing-Yan; Wang, Hua-Jian; Zhang, Zhi-Guo; Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Numerical simulation of an adjustable self-adaptive pulverized coal burner. Power Engineering, 2007 27(2):189-193. Chinese.   
    Zhou, Huai-Chun; Sun, Dan-Ping; Fang, Qing-Yan; Luo, Zi-Xue; Yao, Bin; Fu, Pei-Fang. Development and prospect of combustion stabilizing technologies of pulverized coal. Power Engineering, 2008 28(5): 657-663+681. Chinese.   
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun; Fang, Qing-Yan; Yao, Hai. Study on the submicron and micron morphology and its reactive mechanism. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2007 28 (S.2): 145-148.
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. SCT reaction kinetics model and diffusion for p.c. combustion in TGA. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010 5(2):390-395.
    Yao, Hai; Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun; Yu, Na; Ma, Qi-Lei. Study on thermal expansion and fragmentation property of coal particles. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2007 28 (S. 2): 137-140.
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun; Fang, Qing-Yan; Yao, Hai; Qiu, Jianrong; Xu, Minghou. Study on the submicron and micron morphology and the properties of poor bituminous coal burnout. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2007 2 (3):190-196.   
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Fang, Qing-Yan; Yao, Bin; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Study on the reaction kinetics model of pulverized coal combustion based on SCT - Part I: Theory and TGA. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2005 26(2):331-334.
    Yu, Na; Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Experimental study of oxygen-accessibility specific surface in the kinetic model SCT during pulverized coal char combustion. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2007 28 (4): 691-694.
    Feng, Jie; Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Study on phase-transition and mechanism of coal ash. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2009 30 (11):1965-1968.
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Yu, Na; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Experimental study on oxygen accessible specific surface area of pulverized coal combustion in PTGA. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2008 29 (9):1617-1619.    
    Wang, Hua-Jian; Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Recognition of phase transition temperature using wavelet transfer method in pulverized coal combustion. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2007 28 (S. 2): 141-144.    
    Chen, Xun; Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Experimental study of specific heat models of coal-chars by applying DSC. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2010 31 (1):169-172.
    Yu, Na; Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Measuring-testing and analysis of TGA base-point drift magnitude. Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power, 2006 21 (6):618-622.Chinese   
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Prediction of burning rate and released heat rate during tunnel fire. Journal of Combustion Science and Technology, 2006 12 (5): 408-412. Chinese   
    Xiao, San-Xia; Fang, Qing-Yan; Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Experimental study on the chemical reaction kinetics of coal by thermogravimetry analysis. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2004 25 (5): 891-893.   
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Fang, Qing-Yan; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Study on reaction kinetics model of pulverized coal combustion based on SCT - Part III: Oxygen accessible specific surface area.
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2006 27 (1): 171-173.
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Fang, Qing-Yan; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Study on the reaction kinetics model of pulverized coal combustion based on SCT - Part II: Oxygen concentration distribution on particle surface. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2005 26 (4):701-704.
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun; Yu, Qi-Xiang; Jiang, Shi-Cai; Ye, Ru-Ling. Study on the fire-throttling process of tunnel fire and its influence factors. Journal of the China Coal Society, 2005 30 (2): 146-150. Chinese
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Zhou, Huai-Chun; Yu, Qi-Xiang; Jiang, Shi-Cai; Ye, Ru-Ling. Characteristics of thermal power and thermal resistance during tunnel fire process. Journal of China University of Mining and Technology, 2004 33 (4): 443-447.
    Fu, Pei-Fang; Yao, Hai; Zhou, Huai-Chun. Study on the component of pulverized coal surface and its reactivity during low-temperature oxidation. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2006 27 (6): 1041-1044.
    ZENG Ling da, WANG Xiao lin, ZHOU Huai chun, YAO Bin, FU Pei fang. SCR Equipment Used for Supercritical Boilers. Boiler Technology, 2007 38 (4) :72-75. Chinese.
    ZENG Ling da, ZHOU Huai chun, FU Pei fang. The Reason of Combustion Quench and Stabilization Technology. Electric-Power Safety Technology, 2007,12:12-14. Chinese
    Fu Pei-Fang; Zhou Huai-Chun. Study on the time-sequence of parameter variations in fire-throttling process and its influence factors. China Safety Science Journal, 2005 1 5 (7):108-113.
    Fu Pei-Fang; Zhou Huai-Chun. On development of full-scale test system of tunnel fire spreading with unstable Combustion, Journal of Safety and Environment, 2004 4 (3):7-10. Chn,
    Fu Pei-Fang; Zhou Huai-Chun. Study on the time-dependent law of thermophysical parameters in a quick-obturated burning channel in a fullscale tunnel fire. Journal of Safety and Environment, 2005 5(2): 96-99.
    Fu Pei-Fang. Investigation on the variation regularity of thermal parameters of shock wave in tunnel. Mining Safety & Environment Protection, 2002 29 (2): 28-29+67.
    Ye Lu-ling, Fu Pei-Fang, etc. Development of model FSQD-18.5 multi-functional axial fan. Mining Safety & Environment Protection, 2000 S1:1-2+18-148.
    [33] Fu Pei-Fang, Ye Lu-ling, etc. Analysis of errors in measurement and calculation of fan efficiency. Coal Engineer, 1998,04:16-19+52. Chinese
    Fu Pei-Fang, Ye Lu-ling, etc. The Software development for axial fan computer auxiliary design, Coal Engineer, 1996,06: p5-8+50.
    Fu Pei-Fang, Ye Lu-ling, Wang Guo-chao. Fullscale experiment of the process of forming high concentration methane near the roof of tunnel. Coal Engineer, 1994,04: 12-15+21.
    Wang Guo-chao, Fu Pei-Fang, Ye Lu-ling. Fullscale experiment of dust dispersion properties in tunnel. Coal Engineer, 1994,06: 19-21+46.
    Fu Pei-Fang, Zhao Yi-hui. Methane diffusion and dispersion in air/airflow. Journal of China University of Mining and Technology, 1993 22 (2):78-86.
    Zhao Yi-hui, Fu Pei-Fang. Modeling the flow field and low temperature oxidation in stack coal. Coal Engineer, 1992 05: 21-26.

    Papers or Posters for Conferences
    Y Liu, P.F. Fu*, F Yue. Investigation on the intrinsic reactivity differences of coal char conversion in O2/CO2, O2/H2O and air atmospheres (Poster), 36th International Symposium on Combustion, July 19-22, July 31-August 5, 2016, Seoul, Korea.
    F Yue, P.F. Fu*, Y Liu. Measurement of gaseous mutual diffusion coefficients in high pressure and high temperature by a real-time large lateral shearing interferometry (Poster), 36th International Symposium on Combustion, July 19-22, July 31-August 5, 2016, Seoul, Korea.
    P F Fu*, Q Wang, F Yue, A Numerical Study of the Magnetic Influence on Laminar Jet Diffusion Flames.35th International Symposium on Combustion,WIPP104, San Francisco, USA, July 31 – Aug.6, 2014.
    P F Fu*, Q Wang, Z C Xia, Y Liu, H.C. ZHOU. Effects of high magnetic field pretreatment on the properties of pulverized coals combustion. 34 th International Symposium on Combustion,WIPP104, Warsaw, Poland, July 30 – Aug.3, 2012.
    P F FU *, N YU, H C. ZHOU, B. Yu, B. Zhang. Study on the oxygen accessible surface and reactive surface of p.c combustion in PTGA. 33 rd International Symposium on Combustion,WIPP, Beijing, China, Aug.2-6, 2010.
    P F FU*, H C ZHOU. SCT reaction kinetics model and diffusion for pulverized coal combustion in TGA. Proceeding of the 6th international symposium on coal combustion, Dec. 1-4, 2007:185-191 .ISTP
    P F FU*, H C ZHOU, Q Y FANG, H Yao. The submicron and micron morphology and reaction mechanism of poor char burnout in the W-shaped boiler. The Thirty-first International Symposium On Combustion, AWIPP.  August 6-11,2006 at the University of Heidelberg, Germany.  
    P F FU*, H C ZHOU, Q Y FANG, H Yao. Investigation on the submicron and micron morphology and reaction mechanism during combustion of poor bituminous coal. 2006 Sino-Australia Symposium on Advanced Coal Utilization Technologies July 12 –14, 2006, Wuhan China. ISTP


    伟德国际1946源自英国优秀班主任(Huazhong university of science and technology excellent college-class teacher), 2014.
    本科生《工程热力学》优质课堂奖酬(HUST: High quality class award of Engineering Thermodynamics,<10%), 2009.
    湖北省优秀硕士论文导师(Hubei province award for the best master's thesis as advisor,<10%),2008
    湖北省优秀学士论文导师(Hubei province award for the best undergraduate thesis as advisor,<10%),2005
    伟德国际1946源自英国优秀博士后(Huazhong University of Science And Technology award for outstanding Postdoctor, Top 5%),2004