

teaching staff


姓 名 苏胜 性 别
职 称 研究员(博导) 毕业学校
联系方式 87542417-8206
邮 箱 susheng@mail.hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室206
苏胜,工学博士,研究员,博士生导师。《Processes》等期刊编委会委员,研究领域包括:(1)新型燃烧/气化过程中燃料物理化学结构与反应性;(2)燃烧过程污染物排放控制理论与技术;(3)富氧燃烧及碳减排技术;(4)燃烧过程优化与数值模拟;(5)生物燃料/固废燃烧、气化及其混合利用理论与技术。2013年获首批澳大利亚政府洁净煤技术基金资助访问学者。目前以第一/通讯作者在国内、外高水平学术期刊上发表论文200余篇,其中 SCI 论文60余篇,ESI 高被引论文1篇,SCI总他引次数1000余次;翻译英文论著1本;获授权国际发明专利4项,国家发明专利40 余项。近年来主持及参与国家自然科学基金重点/面上/青年项目4项;主持国际合作中澳洁净煤技术基金1项,国防重大专项课题2项,山西省科技重大专项、湖北省自然科学基金等省部级项目2项;获国家科技进步二等奖(2019年),湖北省科技进步一等奖(2018年),河南省自然科学二等奖(2020年)。培养的研究生服务于国家级研究院、央企、高校和知名企业,多名赴国外著名高校继续深造和工作。


    2018年 11月 – 至今:伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室,研究员,博士生导师
    2012年 11月 - 2018年 10月:伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室,副教授,博士生导师
    2013年1月 - 2013年12月:澳大利亚科廷理工大学,化工系,Fuelsand EnergyTechnology Institute,访问学者
    2009年7月 - 2012年 10月:伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室,教师,硕士生导师
    2007年7月 - 2009年7月:伟德国际1946源自英国机械工程博士后流动站,博士后
    2001年9月 - 2007年7月:伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室热能工程专业工学博士
    1997年9月 - 2001年9月:伟德国际1946官方网热能动力工程专业工学学士




    [1]    国家自然科学基金重点项目:全温区高含氧条件下钢铁工业燃煤复杂烟气多污染物协同脱除机理研究;
    [2]    国家自然科学基金重点项目:建材行业窑炉NOx迁移转化机理与减排调控机制研究;
    [3]    国家自然科学基金面上项目:CO2/H2O对富氧燃烧条件下煤/煤焦表面结构及NO反应过程调控机理研究;
    [4]    中澳洁净煤技术基金项目:Key technology of oxy-fuel combustion for CO2 capture;
    [5]    国防重大专项课题:××××××××××××技术研究;
    [6]    国防重大专项课题:×××××××××××稳定器;
    [7]    山西省重大科技专项:煤基固体废弃物矿化CO2反应机理研究;
    [8]    湖北省自然科学基金面上项目:烧结烟气低温SCR脱硝性能与机理研究;
    [9]    国家自然科学基金青年项目:O2/CO2燃烧方式下C/O/N反应体系机理研究;
    [10]    深圳市科技计划项目:新型铝基复合金属氧化物低温催化脱硝脱汞机理研究;
    [11]    国家重点研发计划战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项课题:基于自供能蓄热式热解的热带农林废弃物高效清洁利用技术联合研发与示范。


    [1]    Mengxia Qing, Sheng Su*, Kun Qian, Liang Liu, Zijun Yin, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xiang*. Insight into the catalytic performance and NH3 adsorption under high concentration of CO2 and/or H2O conditions on selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst. Fuel, 2021, 286: 119478.
    [2]    Lijun Liu, Sheng Su*, Kai Xu*, Mengxia Qing, Haifeng Li, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Long Jiang, Jun Xiang. Simultaneous removal of NO and Hg0 from flue gas over MnSmCo/Ti catalyst at low temperature. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020, 000: 1–8.
    [3]    Lijun Liu#, Kai Xu#, Sheng Su*, Limo He, Mengxia Qing, Huanying Chi, Tao Liu, Song Hu,Yi Wang, Jun Xiang,Efficient Sm modified Mn/TiO2 catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 at low temperature. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2020, 592: 117413.
    [4]    Qiangqiang Ren#, Huanying Chi#, Jian Gao, Chunxiu Zhang, Sheng Su*, Huini Leong, Kai Xu, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xiang. Experimental study and mechanism analysis of NO formation during volatile-N model compounds combustion in H2O/CO2 atmosphere. Fuel, 2020, 273: 117722.
    [5]    Meng Zhu, Jing Zhou, Sheng Su*, Jun Xu*, Aishu Li, Lei Chen, Yi Wang, Song Hu, Long Jiang,Jun Xiang. Study on supercritical CO2 coal-fired boiler based on improved genetic algorithm. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 221: 113163.
    [6]    Jing Zhou, Meng Zhu, Kai Xu*, Sheng Su*, Yifang Tang, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xu, Limo He, Jun Xiang. Key issues and innovative double-tangential circular boiler configurations for the 1000 MW coal-fired supercritical carbon dioxide power plant. Energy, 2020, 199: 117474.
    [7]    Jing Zhou, Meng Zhu, Sheng Su*, Lei Chen, Jun Xu*, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Long Jiang, Wenqi Zhong, Jun Xiang. Numerical analysis and modified thermodynamic calculation methods for the furnace in the 1000 MW supercritical CO2 coal-fired boiler. Energy, 2020, 212: 118735.
    [8]    Jing Zhou, Meng Zhu, Yifang Tang, Kai Xu*, Sheng Su*, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xua, Limo He, Jun Xiang. Innovative system configuration analysis and design principle study for different capacity supercritical carbon dioxide coal-fired power plant. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 174: 115298.
    [9]    Lele Wang#, Mengxia Qing#, Xiaoning Yang, Sheng Su*, Zhonghui Wang, Hanjian Li, Lijun Liu, Yi Wang, Song Hu, Jun Xiang. Solidification and Leaching Behaviors of V and As in a Spent Catalyst-Containing Concrete. Energy Fuels, 2020, 34: 7209−7217.
    [10]    Yichao Wang, Anchao Zhang*, Dan Zhang, Puyang Zhou, Ruirui Wang, Jun Xiang, Xinmin Zhang, Sheng Su*. Ag2CO3 anchored on BiOI/CoFe2O4 composites with p-n-p heterojunctions: Highly enhanced activity for photocatalytic oxidation of Hg0 under fluorescent light irradiation. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2019, 579: 123654.
    [11]    Mengxia Qing, Sheng Su*, Huanying Chi, Jun Xu, Zhijun Sun, Jian Gao, Kai Xu, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Xun Hu, Jun Xiang*. Relationships between structural features and reactivities of coal-chars prepared in CO2 and H2O atmospheres. Fuel, 2019, 258:116087
    [12]    Jing Zhou, Jun Xiang*, Sheng Su*, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Kai Xu, Jun Xu, Limo He, Peng Ling, Meng Zhu. Key issues and practical design for cooling wall of supercritical carbon dioxide coal-fired boiler. Energy, 2019, 186: 115834
    [13]    Lijun Liu, Sheng Su⁎, Kai Xu, Haifeng Li, Mengxia Qing, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xiang⁎. Insights into the highly efficient Co modified MnSm/Ti catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 at low temperature. Fuel, 2019, 255: 115798. NOV 1 2019, WOS:000479141700077
    [14]    Jing Zhou, Peng Ling, Sheng Su⁎, Jun Xu, Kai Xu, Yi Wang, Song Hu, Meng Zhu, Jun Xiang⁎. Exergy analysis of a 1000MW single reheat advanced supercritical carbon dioxide coal-fired partial flow power plant. Fuel, 2019, 255: 115777.
    [15]    Mengxia Qing, Sheng Su*, Lele Wang, Lijun Liu, Kai Xu, Limo He, Xu Jun, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xiang*. Getting insight into the oxidation of SO2 to SO3 over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalysts: Reaction mechanism and effects of NO and NH3. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 361: 1215-1224. 1次
    [16]    Mengxia Qing, Sheng Su*, Lele Wang, Lijun Liu, Zhijun Sun, Mohamed E. Mostafa, Kai Xu, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xiang*. Effects of H2O and CO2 on the catalytic oxidation property of V/W/Ti catalysts for SO3 generation. Fuel, 2019, 237: 545-554. 1次
    [17]    Haifeng Li, Sheng Su*, Yan Peng, Linkang Wu, Kai Xu, Lijun Liu, Mengxia Qing, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xiang*. Effect of La-modified supporter on H2S removal performance of Mn/La/Al2O3 sorbent in a reducing atmosphere. Industrial&Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58: 8260-8270.
    [18]    Lijun Liu, Lele Wang, Sheng Su*, Tao Yang, Zejun Dai, Mengxia Qing, Kai Xua, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xiang*. Leaching behavior of vanadium from spent SCR catalyst and its immobilization in cement-based solidification/stabilization with sulfurizing agent. Fuel, 2019, 243: 406-412. 1次
    [19]    Zhijun Sun, Jun Xu, Sheng Su*, Mengxia Qing, Lele Wang, Xiaoning Cui, Mohamed E. Mostafa, Chunxiu Zhang, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xiang*. Formation and reduction of NO from the oxidation of NH3/CH4 with high concentration of H2O. Fuel, 2019, 247: 19-25.
    [20]    Zejun Dai, Lele Wang, Hao Tang, Zhijun Sun, Wei Liu, Yi Sun, Sheng Su*, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Kai Xu, Liang Liu, Peng Ling, Jun Xiang*. Speciation analysis and leaching behaviors of selected trace elements in spent SCR catalyst. Chemosphere, 2018, 207: 440-448. 2次
    [21]    Haifeng Li, Sheng Su*, Song Hu, Kai Xu, Long Jiang, Yi Wang, Jun Xu, Jun Xiang*. Effect of preparation conditions on MnxOy/Al2O3 sorbent for H2S removal from high-temperature synthesis gas. Fuel, 2018, 223: 115-124.
    [22]    Wei Liu, Sheng Su*, Kai Xu, Qindong Chen, Jun Xu, Zhijun Sun, Yi Wang, Song Hu, Xiaolong Wang, Yanting Xu, Jun Xiang*. CO2 sequestration by direct gase-solid carbonation of fly ash with steam addition. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 178: 98-107.
    [23]    Jun Xu, Hao Tang, Sheng Su*, Jiawei Liu, Kai Xu, Kun Qian, Yi Wang, Yingbiao Zhou, Song Hu, Anchao Zhang, Jun Xiang*. A study of the relationships between coal structures and combustion characteristics: The insights from micro-Raman spectroscopy based on 32 kinds of Chinese coals. Applied Energy, 2018,212:46-56.
    [24]    Qing Mengxia, Su Sheng*, Gao Jian, Sun Zhijun, Xu Kai, Xu Jun, Hu Song, Wang Yi, Xiang Jun*. Effects of CO2/H2O on the characteristics of chars prepared in CO2/H2O/N2 atmospheres. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 173:262-269. MAY 2018  WOS:000429398400029
    [25]    Jing Zhou, Chenhao Zhang, Sheng Su*, Yi Wang, Song Hu, Liang Liu, Peng Ling, Wenqi Zhong, Jun Xiang*. Exergy analysis of a 1000MW single reheat supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle coal-fired power plant. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 173:348-358. OCT 1 2018 WOS:000445987300029
    [26]    Sheng Su, Lijun Liu, Lele Wang*, Syed Shatir A. Syed-Hassan, Fanhai Kong, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Long Jiang, Kai Xu, Anchao Zhang, Jun Xiang*. Mass flow analysis of mercury transformation and effect of seawater flue gas desulfurization on mercury removal in a full-scale coal-fired power plant. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(10): 11109-11116.
    [27]    Zhijun Sun, Sheng Su*, Jun Xu, Kai Xu, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Long Jiang, Ningning Si, Yingbiao Zhou, Syed Shatir A. Syed-Hassan, Anchao Zhang, Jun Xiang*. Effects of H2O on NO emission during oxy-coal combustion with wet recycle. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(8): 8392-8399.
    [28]    Jun Xu, Hao Tang, Sheng Su*, Jiawei Liu, Hengda Han, Liangping Zhang, Kai Xu, Yi Wang, Song Hu, Yingbiao Zhou, Jun Xiang*. Micro-raman spectroscopy study of 32 kinds of Chinese coals: second-order raman spectrum and its correlations with coal properties. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(8): 7884-7893.
    [29]    Hao Tang, Jun Xu, Zejun Dai, Liangping Zhang, Yi Sun, Wei Liu, Mohamed Elsayed Mostafa, Sheng Su*, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Kai Xu, Anchao Zhang, Jun Xiang*. Functional mechanism of inorganic sodium on the structure and reactivity of zhundong chars during pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(10), 10812-10821.
    [30]    Ningning Si, Zhigang Zhao, Sheng Su*, Pengshuai Han, Zhijun Sun, Jun Xu, Xiaoning Cui, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Long Jiang, Yingbiao Zhou, Gang Chen, Jun Xiang*. Exergy analysis of a 1000 MW double reheat ultra-supercritical power plant. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 147: 155-165. 1区
    [31]    Zhigang Zhao, Sheng Su*, Ningning Si*, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Jun Xu, Long Jiang, Gang Chen, Jun Xiang. Exergy analysis of the turbine system in a 1000MW double reheat ultra-supercritical power plant. Energy, 2017, 119: 540-548.
    [32]    Jun Xu, Sheng Su*, Zhijun Sun, Mengxia Qing, ZheXiong, Yi Wang, Long Jiang, Song Hu, Jun Xiang*. Effects of steam and CO2 on the characteristics of chars during devolatilization in oxy-steam combustion process. Applied Energy, 2016, 182: 20-28.
    [33]    Jun Xu, Sheng Su*, Zhijun Sun, Ningning Si, Mengxia Qing, Lijun Liu, Song Hu, Yi Wang, and Jun Xiang*. Effects of H2O gasification reaction on the characteristics of chars under oxy-fuel combustion conditions with wet recycle. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30 (11): 9071-9079.
    [34]    Jun Xiang, Lele Wang, Fan Cao, Kun Qian, Sheng Su*, Song Hu, Yi Wang, Lijun Liu. Adsorption properties of NO and NH3 over MnOx based catalyst supported on γ-Al2O3. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 302: 570-576.
    [35]    Sheng Su, Yao Song, Yi Wang, Tingting Li, Song Hu, Jun Xiang, Chun-Zhu Li*. Effects of CO2 and heating rate on the characteristics of chars prepared in CO2 and N2 atmospheres. Fuel, 2015, 142: 243-249.
    [36]    Jun Xiang, Pengying Wang, Sheng Su*, Liqi Zhang*, Fan Cao, Zhijun Sun, Xi Xiao, Lushi Sun, Song Hu. Control of NO and Hg0 emissions by SCR catalysts from coal-fired boiler. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 135: 168-173.
    [37]    Fan Cao, Jun Xiang*, Sheng Su*, Pengying Wang, Song Hu, Lushi Sun. Ag modified Mn-Ce/γ-Al2O3 catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 at low-temperature. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 135: 66-72.
    [38]    Fan Cao, Sheng Su*, Jun Xiang*, Pengying Wang, Song Hu, Lushi Sun, Anchao Zhang. The activity and mechanism study of Fe-Mn-Ce/γ-Al2O3 catalyst for low temperature selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3. Fuel, 2015, 139: 232-239.
    [39]    Fan Cao, Jun Xiang*, Sheng Su*, Pengying Wang, Lushi Sun, Song Hu, Siyuan Lei. The activity and characterization of MnOx-CeO2-ZrO2/γ-Al2O3 catalysts for low temperature selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 243: 347-354. 他引:35次 1区
    [40]    Pengying Wang, Sheng Su*, Jun Xiang*, Huawei You, Fan Cao, Lushi Sun, Song Hu, Yun Zhang. Catalytic oxidation of Hg0 by MnOx-CeO2/γ-Al2O3 catalyst at low temperatures. Chemosphere, 2014, 101: 49-54.
    [41]    Wang Pengying, Su Sheng*, Xiang Jun*, Cao Fan, Sun Lushi, Hu Song, Lei Siyuan. Catalytic oxidation of Hg0 by CuO-MnO2-Fe2O3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 225: 68-75.
    [42]    苏胜; 刘利军; 向军; 胡松; 汪一; 许凯; 江龙; 卿梦霞; 一种三元复合型脱硝脱汞催化剂及其制备方法, 授权公告日:2020-1-31, 中国, ZL201710482491.1.
    [43]    苏胜; 任强强; 向军; 胡松; 汪一; 江紫薇; 吴运凯; 一种基于尾部CO在线检测的锅炉燃烧优化方法及系统, 授权公告日:2019-11-26, 中国, ZL201811445569.3.
    [44]    苏胜; 任强强; 向军; 常寿兵; 胡松; 向先好; 张晨浩; 江紫薇; 汪一; 闫国兴; 汪鹏; 一种基于CO检测的锅炉燃烧优化方法、系统和数据库,授权公告日:2019-10-1, 中国, ZL201811175890.4.
    [45]    苏胜,宋尧,向军,王鹏鹰,曹蕃,胡松,孙路石。国家发明专利(ZL201410525944.0):一种脱硝脱汞复合催化剂及其制备方法。授权公告日:2017-01-11。
    [46]    苏胜,蔡兴飞,胡松,孙路石,向军,汪一,周英彪。授权公告日:2013-12-25.国家发明专利(ZL 201110391528.2):一种煤粉收集器。

