

teaching staff


姓 名 刘文强 性 别
职 称 副教授(博导) 毕业学校
邮 箱 wenqiang.liu@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 煤燃烧国家重点实验室228
1)发表SCI论文31篇; SCI他引总数600次以上。2)第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI收录论文17篇(均为T/A类,其中3篇Environmental Science and Technology,另外有3篇ESI高引,以及2篇ESI热点文章)。3)出版英文专著1本;曾5次在国际会议上作学术报告;已授权PCT国际发明专利1项,申请中国发明专利4项。4)主持有国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目),教育部博士点基金(新教师类课题)等多个项目;参与国际合作项目2项。 5)EST,EES,CEJ,EF等能源、环境领域的知名SCI杂志的评审人。6)2015年伟德国际1946源自英国教师教学竞赛优秀奖。7) 2016年伟德国际1946源自英国 (华中学者)晨星岗






5)国际高水平全英课程:《Low Carbon Energy Technology》



    2008-2012,博士,School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The Unviersity of Queensland, Australia

    2005-2006,硕士,School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia




    2012-现在,讲师、副教授;伟德国际1946官方网 & 煤燃烧国家重点实验室

    2009,Visitor Scholar, Sydney University, Australia

    2006-2007,Research Assistant,School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia




    1) 燃煤发电站、钢铁厂以及水泥厂的二氧化碳减排;

    2) 碱性工业废弃物用于CO2吸附的研究;

    3) 钙基CO2吸附剂的性能改性研究;

    4) 吸附增强甲烷水蒸气重整制氢;

    5) 生物质制氢;

    6) 化学链燃烧;


    1) 近零排放煤利用系统复合催化-吸附剂制备及性能研究 国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目)25万 2014.01-2016.12;
    2) 近零排放煤利用系统中吸收增强式甲烷水蒸气重整反应机理研究 博士点基金(新教师类课题)4万  2014.01-2016.12;    
    3) 新型碳捕获系统中的钙铜复合材料合成及其性能研究 伟德国际1946源自英国(自主创新研究基金项目)4万  2012.05-2013.12;
    4) 耦合铜基载氧体化学链燃烧的钙基循环吸附CO2基础研究 东南大学(能源热转换及其过程测控教育部重点实验室开放基金)2万 2013.01-2014.12;
    5) 伟德国际1946源自英国人才引进启动基金 5万 2012
    6) ‘国家重点实验室平台建设专项经费’,负责其中2个台架建设:全自动双温区吸附实验台架(20万)、颗粒批量制备台架(25万)2015
    7) 煤燃烧国家重点实验室自主经费,共3批次,17.2万 2012,2013,2015-2016
    8) 伟德国际1946源自英国校专利基金,共2批次, 1.15万 2013,2014
    9)  Investigation of Synthesized Calcium Based Sorbent Under High Temperature & high Pressure Graduate School International Travel Award (GSITA) 澳币$5000 2011.06 -2011.12;
    10) 燃煤过程中SOx,NOx及CO2捕获的低能耗高效控制 国家自然科学基金委员会与英国爱丁10皇家学会合作交流项目 6.2万  2013.05-2015.04
    11) 煤粉O2/CO2循环燃烧过程中灰颗粒的沉积机理研究 国家自然科学基金(重点国际(地区)合作研究项目)245万  2016.01-2020.12


    31) Jian Sun;; Wenqiang Liu*; et al.,  " Stabilized CO2 capture performance of extruded-spheronized CaO-based pellets by microalgae templating, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, (2015影响因子:2.485,通讯) Just Accepted

    30) Yingchao Hu; Wenqiang Liu*; et al., High Temperature CO2 Capture on Novel Yb2O3-Supported CaO-Based Sorbents, Energy Fuels, (2015影响因子:2.790,通讯) Just Accepted
    29) Jian Sun;; Wenqiang Liu*; et al.,  "Mechanical Modification of Naturally Occurring Limestone for High Temperature CO2 Capture, Energy Fuels, (2015影响因子:2.790,通讯) Just Accepted
    28) Xingwei Yang; Wenqiang Liu*; et al.,  Novel Alkali-doped Li₄SiO₄ Sorbents for CO₂ Capture, 2016 ChemSusChem, (2015影响因子:7.657,通讯) (Just Accepted)
    28)Yang Zhang;; Wenqiang Liu*; et al.,  Incorporation of CaO in Inert Solid Matrix by Spray Drying Sol mixture of Precursors, RSC Advances,  (2015影响因子:3.840,通讯) (Just Accepted)
    27) Xingwei Yang; Wenqiang Liu*; et al.,  Novel Li₄SiO₄ Sorbents with Superior Performance at Low CO₂ Concentration, 2016 ChemSusChem, (2015影响因子:7.657,通讯) (Just Accepted)
    26) Yingchao Hu; Wenqiang Liu*; et al., Screening of inert solid supports for CaO-based sorbents for high temperature CO2 capture, 2016 Fuel, (2015影响因子:3.520,通讯)  (Just Accepted)
    25) Yingchao Hu; Wenqiang Liu*; et al., Investigation of Novel Naturally Occurring Manganocalcite for CO2 Capture Under Oxy-fuel Calcination , 2016, Chemical Engineering Journal, (2015影响因子:4.321,通讯)   (Just Accepted)
    24)Sun, Jian; Liu, Wenqiang*;  Wang, Wenyu; Hu, Yingchao; Yang, Xinwei; Chen, Hongqiang; Zhang, Yang; LI, Xian; Xu, Minghou, "Optimizing Synergy between Phosphogypsum Disposal and Cement Plant CO2 Capture by Calcium Looping Process" Energy Fuels, (2015影响因子:2.790,通讯) Just Accepted
    23) Yingchao Hu; Wenqiang Liu*; Jian Sun; Mingkui Li; Xinwei Yang; Yang Zhang; Xiaowei Liu; Minghou Xu*., Structurally Improved CaO-based Sorbent by Organic Acids for High Temperature CO2 Capture, 2016, Fuel,  pp. 17-24(2015影响因子:3.520,通讯)
    22)  Jian Sun, Wenqiang Liu,* Yingchao Hu, Jianqun Wu, Mingkui Li, Xinwei Yang, Wenyu Wang, Minghou Xu*.,  Enhanced Performance of Extruded-spheronized Carbide Slag Pellets for High Temperature CO2 Capture, Chemical Engineering Journal,2016, 285, pp 293–303 (2015影响因子:4.321,通讯)
    21)Novel carbon-rich additives preparation by degradative solvent extraction of biomass wastes for coke-making,2016, Bioresource Technology (Just Accepted)
    20) Limestone Decomposition in O2/CO2/Steam Atmosphere Integrated with Coal Combustion, Energy & Fuels (Just Accepted)
    19)  Jian Sun, Wenqiang Liu,* Yingchao Hu, Mingkui Li, Xinwei Yang, Yang Zhang, and Minghou Xu*., Structurally Improved, Core-in-Shell, CaO-Based Sorbent Pellets for CO2 Capture, Energy Fuels, 2015, 29 (10), pp 6636–6644 (2015影响因子:2.790,通讯)
    18) Hu, Y., Wenqiang Liu*., Sun, J., Li, M., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., and Xu, M*.,  Incorporation of CaO into novel Nd2O3 inert solid support for high temperature CO2 capture, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 273, pp 333–343 (2015影响因子:4.321,通讯)
    17)  Effect of Pressurized Torrefaction Pretreatments on Biomass CO2 Gasification, Li Xiao, Xianqing Zhu, Xian Li*, Zong Zhang, Ryuichi Ashida, Kouichi Miura, Guangqian Luo, Wenqiang Liu, and Hong Yao*,  Energy Fuels, 2015, 29 (11), pp 7309–7316
    16)Liu, W., Yin, J., Qin, C., Feng, B*., and Xu, M., ‘Synthesis of CaO-Based Sorbents for CO2 Capture by a Spray-Drying Technique’ , Environmental Science and Technology, 2012(2015影响因子:5.330,第一)
    15)Liu, W., An, H., Qin, C., Yin, J., Wang, G.X., and Feng, B*. ‘Performance Enhancement of Calcium Oxide Sorbents for Cyclic CO2 Capture - A review’, Energy Fuels, 2012, 26 (5), pp 2751–2767(2015影响因子:2.790,第一; ESI高引,ESI热点)
    14)Liu, W., Low, N.W., Feng, B*., Da Costa, J.C., and Wang, G.X. ‘Calcium Precursors for the Production of CaO Sorbents for Multicycle CO2 Capture’, Environmental Science and Technology 2010, 44 (2), pp 841–847(2015影响因子:5.330,第一)
    13)Liu, W., Feng, B*., Wu, Y., Wang, G.X., Barry, J., and Da Costa, J.C. ‘Synthesis of Sintering-Resistant Sorbents for CO2 Capture’, Environmental Science and Technology 2010, 44 (8), pp 3093–3097(2015影响因子:5.330,第一)
    12)Yang Zhang.,Xun Gong*.,Biao Zhang.,Wenqiang Liu.,and Minghou Xu*.‘Potassium catalytic hydrogen production in sorption enhanced gasification of biomass with steam’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39(9):4234–4243
    11) Hongyun Hu.,Yuan Fang.,Huan Liu.,Ren Yu.,Guangqian Luo.,Wenqiang Liu.,Aijun Li.,Hong Yao*.‘The fate of sulfur during rapid pyrolysis of scrap tires’, Chemosphere, 2014, 97(1):102-107
    10) Yu, Y., Liu, W., Feng, B*., and Wang, G.X. ‘Modeling of the Carbonation Reaction Involving Calcium Oxide Sorbents’, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2012
    9) Qin, C., Liu, W., An, H., Yin, J., and Feng, B*. ‘Fabrication of CaO-Based Sorbents for CO2 Capture by a Mixing Method’, Environmental Science and Technology 2012, 46 (3), pp 1932–1939
    8) Du, M., Feng, B*., An, H., Liu, W., and Zhang, L. ’Effect of Addition of Weak Acids on CO2 desorption from Rich Amine Solvents’, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012, 29 (3), pp 362-368
    7)Qin, C., Yin, J., An, H., Liu, W., and Feng, B*. ‘Selection of CaO-based Sorbents for CO2 Capture’, Energy and Fuels 2012, 26 (1), pp 154–161
    6) Yin, J., Qin, C., An, H., Liu, W., and Feng, B. ‘A High Temperature Pressure Swing Adsorption Process for Low-cost CO2 Separation’, Energy and Fuels 2012, 26 (1), pp 169–175
    5) Yin, J., Cheng, Z., Qin, C., Liu, W., An, H., Chen, G., and Feng Bo. ‘Reactivation of Calcium-Based Sorbent by Water Hydration for CO2 Capture’ Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 198–199, PP 38–44
    4) Changlei QIN, Junjun Yin, Hui An, Wenqiang Liu, Bo Feng*.  Performance of Extruded Particles from Calcium Hydroxide and Cement for CO2 Capture,ENERGY & FUELS, 2012,26(1):154-161
    3) Changlei QIN, Junjun Yin, Wenqiang Liu, Hui An, Bo Feng*. Behavior of CaO/CuO Based Composite in a Combined Calcium and Copper Chemical Looping Process,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2012, 51(38):12274-12281

    2) Junjun Yin, Changlei QIN, Bo Feng, Lei Ge, Cong Luo, Wenqiang Liu, Hui An. Calcium Looping for CO2 Capture at a Constant High Temperature, 2013, ENERGY & FUELS,  28(1):307–318
    1) Ying Gu,Xiaowei Liu*,Bo Zhao,Wenqiang Liu, Minghou Xu*. The effect of Ca on distribution of nitrogen species during coal pyrolysis in N2, CO2 and Ar atmospheres, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 2013 8(4)
    Conferences 会议:
    9)  IEAGHG Network Meeting on High Temperature Solid Looping, 2013 Beijing
    8)  Liu, Wenqiang, Feng, Bo and Wang, Geoff X. (2013), Applicability of new calcium based material for thermal energy storage . 6th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems (AsiaPES 2013), Phuket, Thailand, (288-292). 10-12 April 2013. DOI:10.2316/P.2013.800-074
    7)Liu, W., Low, N.W., Feng, B., Da Costa, J.C., and Wang, G.X., ‘On the Performance of Calcium Oxide Sorbents Prepared from Different Precursors for CO2 Capture at High Temperature’, IEAGHG Network Meeting on High Temperature Solid Looping, Ovideo, Spain, 15-17 September 2009.
    6)Liu, W., Feng, B., Da Costa, J.C., and Wang, G.X., ‘A Novel Method to Synthesize a Calcium-Based Sorbent’, Proceedings of CO2CRC Research Symposium 2008, Queenstown, New Zealand, 2-4 December 2008.
    5)Feng, B., Liu, W., Low, N.W., Da Costa, J.C., and Wang, G.X. ‘Development of CO2 Capture Materials for Zero Emission Power Generation Systems’, Young Scientist Symposium on Frontier Advances in Process Engineering, Beijing, China, 26-27 September 2008,
    4)Liu, W., Feng, B., Da Costa, J.C., and Wang, G.X. ‘Comparison of Calcium Oxide Sorbents Prepared from Different Calcium Precursors for CO2 Capture at High Temperature’, Proceedings of 2008 Asia Pacific Coalbed Methane Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 22-24 September 2008.
    3)Liu, W., Feng, B., Da Costa, J.C., and Wang, G.X. ‘The Reactivity of Nanoscale Calcium Oxide Particles in Calcination and Carbonation Cycle’, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, Wuhan, China, 1-4 December 2007.
    Patent 专利:
    1)Feng, B., and Liu, W. ‘Method for Producing Sorbent for CO2 Capture under High Temperature ’, WIPO Patent WO/2010/054427A1, Patent number: 9114359 (PCT国际发明专利,已授权)
     2)刘文强,徐明厚 ‘喷雾干燥法制备吸附剂’发明专利,已申请


    1) 2005-2006,澳大利亚昆士兰大学,2次获得澳大利亚昆士兰大学经理学业优秀奖(Dean's Commendation for High Achievement);

    2) 2007-2011,澳大利亚昆士兰大学,全额奖学金(Australian UQRS Full Living Allowance);

    3) 2007-2011, 澳大利亚昆士兰大学,研究生奖(UQ Research Higher Degree Scholarship);

    4) 2013, 2013国际动力工程会议(ICOPE),2个分会场主席;

    5) 2015, 伟德国际1946源自英国教师教学竞赛优秀奖。