

teaching staff


姓 名 王贲 性 别
职 称 副教授(博导) 毕业学校
联系方式 87542417-8301
邮 箱 benwang@hust.edu.cn
伟德国际1946源自英国,伟德国际1946官方网,副教授,博导。男,汉族,1983年5月出生,湖北武汉人,工学博士。2006年毕业于伟德国际1946官方网,获学士学位;同年,赴新疆克拉玛依中石油电厂参与运行工作一年。2007年进入煤燃烧国家重点实验室攻读研究生,2012年取得热能工程专业博士学位。2012年8月-2014年9月,在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学化学与材料工程学院进行博士后研究工作,师从于Rajender Gupta教授,开展了化石能源气化过程中矿物质的转化机理、焦的物化特性和污染物排放的研究。申请并完成加拿大基金项目5项,参加国家"973"计划课题1项、国家"863"计划课题1项、国家重点研发计划子课题2项,国家自然科学基金4项,同时参与横向企业应用课题多项,并主持了二十余次企业项目汇报会议,累计实到校经费600万元。发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录49篇,EI收录13篇,多篇论文进入ESI高被引及热点论文,发表专利十余项,参加国际会议口头报告6次,国内会议口头报告7次。受邀参加两届燃料质量及灰沉积大会,研究成果被遴选至FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY-五十周年回顾特刊。


    (1) 2008-09 至 2012-10, 伟德国际1946源自英国, 热能工程, 博士
    (2) 2007-09 至 2008-09, 伟德国际1946源自英国, 热能工程, 硕士
    (3) 2002-09 至 2006-09, 伟德国际1946源自英国, 热能工程, 学士

    2018-08-2019-08, 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学, 材料与化学工程学院, 访问学者
    2015.01-2017.11: 伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室讲师
    2012.10-2014.09: 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学化学与材料工程学院博士后
    2006.08-2007.08: 新疆中石油克拉玛依电厂助理工程师.




    科技部, 国家重点研发计划, 2019YFC1904000, 长江经济带大中城市多源有机固废园区协同处置及示范, 2020-01 至 2023-12, 558万元, 在研, 主持
    科技部, 国家重点研发计划, 2018YFC1901300, 有机固废高效清洁稳定焚烧关键技术与装备研究, 2018-12 至 2022-11, 512万元, 在研, 参与
    美国自然资源保护协会, 国际合作项目, 20202136, 湖北省煤电去产能方案研究, 2020-01 至 2020-09, 35万元, 结题, 主持
    2018.12-2019.08 武汉市制冷能效提升路线图研究 (项目负责人)
    2015.08-2018.12: 国家自然科学基金-高硫石油焦气化过程中钒和镍的迁移转化机理及对积灰结渣特性的影响 (项目负责人/22.4万)
    2016.08-2019.12: 国家自然科学基金委员会/中泰国际(地区)合作与交流项目- 城市含碳固体废弃物清洁高效热转化关键技术的基础研究. (参与人/260万)
    2015.08-2019.12: 国家自然科学基金-含溴阻燃电子废塑料热解机制及催化.(参与人/60万)
    2017.06-2019.06: 湖北省科技厅-基于互联网用户端智能配用电系统(第二完成人/100万)
    2016.08-2017.07: 武汉市发改委-武汉市“十三五”煤炭消费总量控制方案. (项目负责人/30万)
    2016.05-2016.09: 武汉市发改委-武汉市碳排放达峰实施方案编制项目(项目负责人/3.3万)
    2015.01-2016.01: 武汉市发改委-武汉典型行业碳减排潜力成本分析及政策研究(参与人/16万)
    2015.12-2016.12: 煤燃烧国家重点实验室开放基金-基于光热电储辅助燃煤机组碳捕集系统研究.(项目负责人/5万)
    2015.04-2016.06: 青年教师基金-石油焦中重金属元素的分步提取研究(项目负责人/8万)
    2017.08-2017.11: 广东电力股份有限公司沙角A电厂-沙角A电厂SCR烟气脱硝系统喷氨精细化控制研究现场摸底试验项目(项目负责人/33.2万)
    2014.09-2015.03: 武汉龙净环保工程有限公司-煤样中砷元素含量检测(参与人/4.5万)
    2016.06-2017.06: 四川省天润康环保-供暖用燃气热水锅炉富氧燃烧技术(参与人/10万)
    2014.03-2014.09: 加拿大阿尔伯塔市政府项目-城市垃圾与固体废弃物的气化研究(第二完成人/800万)
    2013.01-2014.09: 加拿大自然科学与工程研究委员会(NSERC)和合作研究与发展基金(CRD)。Study of Corrosion/Erosion and Fouling in Syngas Cooler Tubes and Bends. (参与人/100万)
    2012.10-2014.09: 阿尔伯塔大学与德国亥姆霍兹协会合作研究项目-Advanced Processes for Bitumen and Coal Upgrading and Conversion Technologies. (参与人/1000万)
    2012.10-2014.09: 中海油Nexen公司气化炉腐蚀结渣改造项目(项目负责人/120万)


    1    Wu Yang; Deepak Pudasainee; Rajender Gupta; Wei Li; Ben Wang; Lushi Sun ; An overview of inorganic particulate matter emission from coal/biomass/MSW combustion: Sampling and measurement, formation, distribution, inorganic composition and influencing factors, Fuel Processing Technolog y, 2021, 213: 0-106657
    2    Wang, Ben; Li, Wei; Ma, Chuan; Yang, Wu; Pudasainee, Deepak; Gupta, Rajender; Sun, Lushi ; Synergistic effect on the co-gasification of petroleum coke and carbon-based feedstocks: A state-of-the-art review, Journal of the Energy Institute Volume, 2022, 102: 1-13
    3    Yang W.; Pudasainee D.; Gupta R.; Li W.; Wang B.; Sun L. ; Particulate matter emission during MSW/RDF/WW combustion: Inorganic minerals distribution, transformation and agglomeration, Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 228: 0-107166
    4    Yang W.; Pudasainee D.; Gupta R.; Li W.; Wang B.; Sun L. ; Particulate matter emission during municipal solid waste combustion: Submicron particulates formation mechanism, Fuel, 2022, 310: 0-122271
    5    Yang W.; Pudasainee D.; Gupta R.; Li W.; Song Z.; Wang B.; Sun L. ; Particulate emission from municipal solid waste combustion: Effect of Si − Al-based additives for its mitigation, Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(12): 15399-15410
    6    Li, Wei; Pudasainee, Deepak; Gupta, Rajender; Yang, Wu; Wang, Ben; Sun, Lushi. The fate of char structure and active groups in petroleum coke gasification in a drop tube furnace Fuel, 2022, 310: 122438.
    7    Tianyu Li; Ben Wang; Wei Li; Jun Nie; Zijian Song; Wu Yang; Chuan Ma; Lushi Sun. Effect of occurrence modes of nickel and vanadium on gasification characteristics of petroleum coke  Fuel, 2020, 263: 116686.
    8    Li W.; Wang B.; Nie J.; Yang W.; Sun L.; Pudasainee D.; Gupta R. Effect of the Composition of Additive Ash on the Thermal Behavior of Petroleum Coke Ash during Gasification  Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(10): 12126-12134.
    9    Wang, Ben; Li, Wei; Yang, Wu; Nie, Jun; Zhou, Yiding; Sun, Lushi*. Investigation of Gasification Atmosphere on Nickel and Vanadium Transformation of Petroleum Coke by Thermodynamic Equilibrium Calculation  Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(47): 21208-21218.
    10    Jun Nie; Ben Wang; Wei Li; Wu Yang; Lushi Sun. Investigation of the Transformation Behavior of Nickel and Vanadium during Steam Gasification of Petroleum Coke. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(42): 14325-14335.
    11    Wei Li; Ben Wang; Jun Nie; Wu Yang; Linlin Xu; Lushi Sun. Migration and Transformation of Vanadium and Nickel in High Sulfur Petroleum Coke during Gasification Processes. Energies, 2018, 11(8): 2158.
    12    Yu, Jie; Sun, Lushi*; Wang, Ben*; Qiao, Yu; Xiang, Jun; Hu, Song; Yao, Hong. Study on the behavior of heavy metals during thermal treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) components. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2016, 23(1): 253-265.
    13    Ben Wang, Vinoj Kurian, Nirlipt Mahapatra, Rajender Gupta. Investigation of Erosion/Corrosion and Fouling in Syngas Cooler Tubes and Bends. Fuel Processing Technology. 2015, 141: 202-209. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 4.051)
    14    Chi, Jiaren; Wang, Ben*; Zhang, Hong; Kang, Junjie; Lu, Tengfei; Huang, Yongping; Yang, Wu; Zhang, Hangyu; Sun, Lushi*. Regional coal power overcapacity assessment in China from 2020 to 2025 Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 303: 127020.
    15    Ben Wang; Zijian Song; Lushi Sun*. A review: Comparison of multi-air-pollutant removal by advanced oxidation processes – Industrial implementation for catalytic oxidation processes  Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 409: 128136.
    16    Wang, Ben; Yang, Fan; Song, Zijian; Sun, Lushi* Removal of Hg(0), NO, and SO(2) by the surface dielectric barrier discharge coupled with Mn/Ce/Ti-based catalyst. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021.
    17    Zijian Song; Ben Wang; Wu Yang; Tao Chen; Chuan Ma; Lushi Sun Simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 through heterogeneous catalytic oxidation-absorption process using magnetic Fe2.5M0.5O4 (M = Fe, Mn, Ti and Cu) catalysts with vaporized H2O2. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 386: 123883.
    18    Song, Zijian; Wang, Ben; Yang, Wu; Chen, Tao; Wei, Li; Ma, Chuan; Sun, Lushi. Research on NO and SO2 removal using TiO2-supported iron catalyst with vaporized H2O2 in a catalytic oxidation combined with absorption process Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(15): 18329-18344.
    19    Zijian Song; Ben Wang*; Jie Yu; Chuan Ma; Tao Chen; Wu Yang; Sheng Liu; Lushi Sun*. Effect of Ti doping on heterogeneous oxidation of NO over Fe3O4 (111) surface by H2O2: A density functional study Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 354: 517-524.
    20    Changsong Zhou; Ben Wang; Zijian Song; Chuan Ma; Jie Yu; Zhiyue Zhang; Hongmin Yang; Lushi Sun. DFT studies of Hg0 oxidation by gaseous advanced oxidation method: H2O2/Fe3O4 (111) and hydroxyl pre-adsorbed Fe3O4 (111) surface  Fuel, 2017, 202: 318-327.
    21    Changsong Zhou; Zijian Song; Zhiyue Zhang; Hongmin Yang; Ben Wang; Jie Yu; Lushi Sun. DFT studies of elemental mercury oxidation mechanism by gaseous advanced oxidation method: Co-interaction with H2O2 on Fe3O4 (111) surface Applied Surface Science, 2017, 426: 647-655.
    22    Zijian Song; Ben Wang; Jie Yu; Chuan Ma; Changsong Zhou; Tao Chen; Qianqian Yan; Ke Wang; Lushi Sun. Density functional study on the heterogeneous oxidation of NO over α-Fe2O3 catalyst by H2O2: Effect of oxygen vacancy. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 413: 292-301.
    23    Song, ZJ; Wang, B; Yu, J; Ma, C. Adsorption properties of CO, H2 and CH4 over Pd/-gamma-Al2O3 catalyst: A density functional study. Applied Surface Science. 2016, 387: 341-350. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 3.387)
    24    Changsong Zhou; Ben Wang; Chuan Ma; Zijian Song; Zhao Zeng; Jun Xiang; Song Hu; Sheng Su; Lushi Sun. Gaseous elemental mercury removal through heterogeneous Fenton-like processes using novel magnetically separable Cu0.3Fe2.7−xTixO4 catalysts Fuel, 2015, 161: 254-261.
    25    Changsong Zhou; Lushi Sun; Anchao Zhang; Chuan Ma; Ben Wang; Jie Yu; Sheng Su; Song Hu; Jun Xiang. Elemental mercury (Hg0) removal from containing SO2/NO flue gas by magnetically separable Fe2.45Ti0.55O4/H2O2 advanced oxidation processes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 273: 381-389.
    26    Tao Chen; Yiding Zhou; Ben Wang*; Weili Deng; Zijian Song; Wei Li; Wu Yang; Lushi Sun*. Investigations on combustion optimization and NOX reduction of a 600-MWe down-fired boiler: Influence of rearrangement of tertiary air and jet angle of secondary air and separated over-fire air. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 277: 124310.
    27    Wu Yang; Ben Wang; Siyuan Lei; Ke Wang; Tao Chen; Zijian Song; Chuan Ma; Yiding Zhou; Lushi Sun. Combustion optimization and NOx reduction of a 600 MWe down-fired boiler by rearrangement of swirl burner and introduction of separated over-fire air Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 210: 1120-1130.
    28    Xiang Gao; Ben Wang; Xudong Yuan; Siyuan Lei; Qinggong Qu; Chuan Ma; Lushi Sun. Optimal design of selective catalyst reduction denitrification system using numerical simulation Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 231: 909-918.
    29    Nirlipt Mahapatra, Vinoj Kurian, Ben Wang, Rajender Gupta. Pyrolysis of asphaltenes in an atmospheric entrained flow reactor: A study on char characterization. Fuel. 2015, 152: 29-37. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 4.726)
    30    Kurian, V; Mahapatra, N; Wang, B; Alipour, M; Martens, F; Gupta, R. Analysis of Soot Formed during the Pyrolysis of Athabasca Oil Sand Asphaltenes. Energy and Fuels. 2015, 29: 6823-6831 (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 3.091)
    31    B. Wang, L.S. Sun, S. Su, J. Xiang, S. Hu, H. Fei. A kinetic study of the NO formation during oxy-fuel combustion of pyridine. Applied Energy. 2012, 92: 361–368. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 7.5)
    32    Ben Wang, Lushi Sun, Sheng Su, Jun Xiang, Song Hu, and Hua Fei. Char structural evolution during pyrolysis and its influence on combustion reactivity in air and oxy-Fuel conditions. Energy and Fuels. 2012, 26, 1565−1574. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 3.091)
    33    Ma, C; Yu, J; Wang, B; Song, ZJ. Chemical recycling of brominated flame retarded plastics from e-waste for clean fuels production: A review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016, 61: 433-450. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 8.050)
    34    Ma, C; Yu, J; Wang, B; Song, ZJ. Influence of Zeolites and Mesoporous Catalysts on Catalytic Pyrolysis of Brominated Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (Br-ABS). Energy and Fuels. 2016, 6: 4635-4643. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 3.091)
    35    Ma, C; Yu, J; Wang, B; Song, ZJ. Catalytic pyrolysis of flame retarded high impact polystyrene over various solid acid catalysts. Fuel Processing Technology. 2016, 155: 32-41. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 4.051)
    36    Zhou, CS; Song, ZJ; Zhang, ZY; Yang, HM; Wang, B. DFT studies of elemental mercury oxidation mechanism by gaseous advanced oxidation method: Co-interaction with H2O2 on Fe3O4 (111) surface. Applied Surface Science. 2017, 426: 647-655. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 3.387)
    37    Zhou, CS; Sun, LS; Zhang, AC; Ma, C; Wang, B. Elemental mercury (Hg-0) removal from containing SO2/NO flue gas by magnetically separable Fe2.45Ti0.55O4/H2O2 advanced oxidation processes. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2015, 273: 381-389. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 6.216)
    38    Hua Fei, Lushi Sun, Song Hu, Jun Xiang, Yao Song, Ben Wang. The combustion reactivity of coal chars in oxy-fuel atmosphere: Comparison of different random pore models. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2011, 91: 251–256. (SCI/EI; Impact factor: 3.471)
    39    Ben Wang, Lushi Sun, Jun Xiang, Song Hu, Sheng Su. NO evolution characteristic of char in oxy-fuel condition. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference. March, 27-29, 2012, Shanghai, China. (EI & ISTP)
    40    Ben Wang, Sheng Su, Lushi Sun, Jun Xiang, Song Hu. NO Formation Mechanism during Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Pyridine. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference. March, 28-31, 2010, Chengdu, China. (EI & ISTP)
    41    Ben Wang, Lushi Sun, Song Hu, Jun Xiang. NOx formation characteristic of pulverized coal in oxy-fuel condition. The 36th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, Florida. June, 2011.
    42    Ben Wang, Sheng Su, Lushi Sun, Song Hu Gang Chen Hua Fei. Pathways for nitric oxide formation during oxy-fuel combustion of pyridine. The 35th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, Florida. June, 2010.
    43    Hua Fei, Song Hu, Jun Xiang, Lushi Sun, Anchao Zhang, Ben Wang, Gang Chen. A modified quantize model for depicting coal char combustion under O2/CO2 atmosphere. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference. March, 25-28, 2011: 1-4. Wuhan, China. (EI & ISTP)
    44    Hua Fei, Song Hu, Jun Xiang, Lushi Sun, Anchao Zhang, Peng Fu, Ben Wang. Modified random pore model study on coal char reactions under O2/CO2 atmosphere. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference. March, 28-31, 2010, Chengdu, China. (EI & ISTP)
    45    Hua Fei, Song Hu, Jun Xiang, Ben Wang, Gang Chen. A simple kinetic analysis to determine the combustion reactivity of coal chars under O2/CO2 atmosphere. Proceedings of The 35th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, June 6-10, 2010, Sheraton Sand Key in Clearwater, Florida, USA.
    46    Hua Fei, Song Hu, Lushi Sun, Jun Xiang, Ben Wang. A new and simple method to estimate CO2 gasification rates of agricultural biomass. Proceedings of The 36th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, June 8-13, 2011, Sheraton Sand Key in Clearwater, Florida, USA
    47    Wang Ben, Su Sheng, Sun Lushi, Hu Song, Fei Hua, Lu TengFei, Xiang Jun. Investigation on Effect of CO on NO Heterogeneous Reduction With Char in O2/CO2 Atmosphere. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2012, 02: 336–338. (EI)
    48    Wang Ben, Sun Lu-shi, Su Sheng, Xiang Jun, Hu Song, Fei Hua. NO forming rules in O2/CO2 atmosphere of pulverized coal and char with low oxygen concentrations. Journal of China Coal Society, 2012, 37: 501–505.(EI)
    49    Wang Ben, Su Sheng, Sun Lu-shi, Hu Song, Zhou Ying-biao, Xiang Jun. Experiment on NO formation characteristics of char in O2/CO2 atmosphere. Journal of China Coal Society, 2012, 37(10) 1743-1748.
    50    Fei Hua, Hu Song, Xiang Jun, Sun Lushi, Song Yao, Su Sheng, Wang Ben, Chen Gang. Study on Characteristics of Coal Chars Combustion in O2/CO2 at High Temperatures Based a Nonlinear Diffusive Model. Proceedings of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, 2011, 31(17): 32-37. (EI)
    51    Su Sheng, He Jingliang, Wang Ben, Xiang Jun, Sun Lushi, Hu Song. Distribution of flue gas during the reburning process of biomass. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2011, 32: 1062–1064. (EI)

    (1) 王贲; 孙路石; 周铭; 聂骏 ; 一种石油焦中重金属钒、镍的赋存形态逐级提取鉴定方法, 2018-4-4,
    中国, ZL201810298901.1 (专利)
    (2) 孙路石; 王贲; 于洁 ; 一种石油焦中重金属元素的逐级提取方法, 2018-07-31, 中国, ZL2016108806
    72.5 (专利)
    (3) 王贲 ; 一种用于石油焦气化过程中优化液态排渣的方法, 2019-9-30, 中国, ZL201910943589.1
    (4) 孙路石; 马川; 王贲; 于洁; 向军; 胡松; 周长松 ; 溴系阻燃废塑料热解催化脱溴制备热解油的装置
    及方法, 2016-04-25, 中国, CN201610259354.7 (专利)
    (5) 孙路石; 马川; 王贲; 于洁; 向军; 胡松; 周长松 ; 采用废聚烯烃类塑料与溴系阻燃废塑料制备热解
    油的方法, 2016-04-25, 中国, CN201610259285.X (专利)
    (6) 于洁; 孙路石; 陈涛; 巴彩玲; 王贲; 伍俊宇 ; 溴系阻燃废塑料与赤泥热解制备脱汞吸附剂的方法及
    产品, 2018-10-25, 中国, ZL201811251052.0 (专利)
    (7) 孙路石; 王贲; 周飞 ; 一种利用普鲁兰多糖与氯化铝脱除重金属离子的方法, 2018-11-12, 中国, CN
    201811341882.2 (专利)
    (8) 王贲; 孙路石; 宋子健 ; 一种基于H2O2催化氧化脱除烟气中NO、SO2和Hg0的系统及方法, 2016-10-20
    , 中国, CN201610914698.7 (专利)
    (9) 孙路石; 曾曌; 周长松; 王贲; 向军; 胡松; 苏胜; 宋子健 ; 一种一体化脱除燃煤锅炉多种烟气污染
    物的方法及其系统, 2015-07-29, 中国, CN201510453991.3 (专利)
    (10) 孙路石; 王贲; 李威 ; 一种空气冷却径向限位支架, 2020-7-10, 中国, ZL202010663400.6 (

