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姓 名 胡红云 性 别
职 称 副教授 毕业学校 伟德国际1946源自英国
个人主页 http://sklccyao.energy.hust.edu.cn/info/1079/1297.htm
联系方式 027-87545526
邮 箱 hongyunhu@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室
胡红云,男,副教授,博士生导师。长期致力于固体废弃物热转化及污染物迁移控制、灰渣资源化利用、熔融盐热处理技术研究。作为项目负责人先后承担国家自然科学基金面上及青年项目、国家重点研发子课题、湖北省重大科技专项课题和博士后基金项目各1项,企业委托研发项目10余项。作为骨干成员先后参与科技部重点研发专项、973项目、国合项目各1项,国家自然科学基金委国合项目2项。研究工作具体围绕重金属形态解析及高温迁移转化、有机固体废弃物低温热解、飞灰熔盐温和热处理、有机固体废弃物熔盐预处理及高值化利用等方面展开。相关研究成果发表SCI论文60余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Proceedings of the Combustion Institute、Environmental Science & Technology、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Fuel、Chemosphere等能源与环境权威SCI刊物上发表论文50篇,形成国家发明专利40余项。荣获伟德国际1946源自英国“学术新人”奖,入选青年学术前沿团队。此外,积极致力于本科生的创新意识培养,先后指导多位本科生以第一或共同作者发表SCI学术论文,指导本科生获得老员工节能减排大赛国赛特等奖、一等奖、二等奖各1项。鼓励研究生的个性化发展,所带研究生在科研学术、员工工作、社会服务等方面成绩优异。


    2006/09-2010/06 伟德国际1946源自英国,环境工程,学士
    2010/09-2015/08 伟德国际1946源自英国,热能工程,博士
    2015/09-2018/08 伟德国际1946源自英国,煤燃烧国家重点实验室,博士后
    2018/09-2020/10  伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室,讲师
    2020/11-至今 伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室,副教授


    (1)    高温烟气污染物控制
    (2)    飞灰熔盐温和热处理
    (3)    有机固体废弃物低温热解及熔盐热转化利用


    1.    国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于熔盐热处理的生活垃圾焚烧飞灰重金属定向提取及深度固化的研究;2020/01-2023/12; 项目编号:51976070 (主持)
    2.    国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于形态转化的城市可燃固废焚烧处理中重金属的释放与控制研究;2017/01-2019/12; 项目编号:51606075 (主持)
    3.    国家重点研发专项子课题:裂解固相产物在轮胎中高效再利用技术研究;2018/12-2022/11; 项目编号:2018YFC1902604 (主持)
    4.    国家重点研发专项项目:燃煤过程中砷、硒、铅等重金属的控制技术;2018/05-2021/04; 项目编号:2018YFB0605103 (参与)
    5.    湖北省重大科技专项课题:垃圾低温热解关键技术和设备研发;2018/01-2020/12; 项目编号:2018ACA151(主持)
    6.    中国博士后基金面上项目: 基于活化及熔盐热处理的垃圾焚烧飞灰资源化利用研究; 2016/06-2018/09; 项目编号: 2016M592330 (主持)
    7.    广东省重点实验室开放基金:“高污”固体废弃物熔盐催化热处理机理研究(GKLECPC-08); 2018/07-2020/06 (主持)
    8.    企业横向项目:高温耐腐蚀涂层耐腐性、抗焦油粘附涂层防粘性验证; 2018/04-2019/04 (主持)
    9.    企业横向项目:RDF(风选轻料)组成及能源特性研究; 2018/10-2021/09 (主持)
    10.    企业横向项目:有机废弃物高值化利用技术及成套设备研发; 2016/12-2021/12 (主持)
    11.    企业横向项目:生活垃圾焚烧飞灰硒的形态解析及螯合强化稳定技术研发;2020/06-2021/01(主持)
    12.    企业横向项目:温度对加热不燃烧卷烟主流烟气化学成分的影响研究;2019/4/15-2020/8/31(主持)
    13.    企业横向项目:叶丝干燥工序加工强度表征及控制技术研究;2020/11/30-2022/8/31 (主持)
    14.    国家重点实验室开放课题:基于熔盐热处理的橡胶废弃物清洁转化与资源回收机理研究;2021/6/1-2023/5/31(主持)
    15.    企业横向项目:有机固废热转化及产物资源化利用;2021/7-2023/6(主持)
    16.    企业横向项目:基于熔盐脱盐解毒的垃圾焚烧飞灰无害化处置关键技术研发;2021/7-2023/3(主持)


    1.    Sihua Xu, Hongyun Hu*,  Guangzhao Guo, Lifang Gong, Huimin Liu, Hong Yao. Investigation of properties change in the reacted molten salts after molten chlorides cyclic thermal treatment of toxic MSWI fly ash. Journal of hazardous materials. 2022(421): 126536.
    2.    Bing Yuan, Hongyun Hu*, Yongda Huang, Biao Fu, Huimin Liu, Guangqian Luo, Yongchun Zhao, Hong Yao, Condensation and adsorption characteristics of gaseous selenium on coal-fired fly ash at low temperatures, Chemosphere, 2022(287):132127.
    3.    Huimin Liu, Shuai Li, Guangzhao Guo, Lifang Gong, Liqi Zhang, Yana Qie, Hongyun Hu*, Hong Yao. Ash formation and the inherent heavy metal partitioning behavior in a 100 t/d hazardous waste incineration plant. Science of the Total Environment, Available online.
    4.    Chengyang Cao Yang Ren, Hao Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Baojun Yi, Xian Li,Linling Wang, Hong Yao. Insights into the role of CaO addition on the products distribution and sulfur transformation during simulated solar-powered pyrolysis of waste tires. Fuel, Available online.
    5.    Bing Yuan, Hongyun Hu, Yongda Huang, Guangzhao Guo, Lifang Gong, Chan Zou, Lu Dong, Hong Yao. Effect of hydrated lime on the migration behavior of selenium in the MSWI plants: Experimental and theoretical study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433, 134603.
    6.    Yang Ren, Chengyang Cao*, Hongyun Hu*, Su Lei, Xiangzhou Yuan, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Transformation behavior and fate of chlorine in polychloroprene (PCP) during its pyrolysis. Fuel ,2022(317):123573.
    7.    Yicheng Wang,Hongyun Hu,Xinye Wang,Huimin Liu,Lu Dong,Guangqian Luo,Yongchun Zhao,Hong Yao*. A critical review on lead migration, transformation and emission control in Chinese coal‐fired power plants. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2023(143):397-413
    8.    Yongda Huang, Hongyun Hu*, Biao Fu, Chan Zou, Huimin Liu, Xiaowei Liu, Linling Wang, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Fine particulate-bound arsenic and selenium from coal-fired power plants: Formation, removal and bioaccessibility. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 823, 153723 (SCI&EI)
    9.    Yang Ren, Chengyang Cao*, Yetao Cheng, Hongyun Hu*, Hui Liu, Xian Li, Huimin Liu, Hong Yao. Feasibility study on co-processing of automobile shredder residue in coal-fired power plants via pyrolysis. Waste Management, 2022, 143:135-143.
    10.    Y Yang,T Wang,C Zou,K Xu,H Hu,L Gao,X Li,H Yao, Comparing the Thermal Conversion Behavior of Bio-Wastes in Various Molten Nitrates. Renewable Energy. 196 (2022): 617-624.
    11.    Zou, Chan; Ren, Yang; Li, Songgeng; Hu, Hongyun*; Cao, Chengyang; Tang, Hua; Li, Xian; Yao, Hong. Effects of molten salt thermal treatment on the properties improvement of waste tire pyrolytic char. Waste Management, 2022, 149: 53-59.
    12.    Chan Zou, Huimin Liu, Hongyun Hu,*, Yongda Huang, Chunbo Wang, Hong Yao. Effect of CO2 on the As2O3 adsorption over carbonaceous  surface: Experiment and quantum chemistry study. Chemical Engineering Journal. 446 (2022) :137156
    13.    Chengyang Cao, Hongyun Hu, YangRen, YuGuan, KaiZhu, LinlingWang.Experimental study on thermal runaway of sodium nitrate-containing hazardous waste during thermal treatment. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering.10 (2022):107518.
    14.    Huimin Liu, Lu Dong, Hongyun Hu *, Yongda Huang , Chan Zou , Hong Yao. Insights into the transformation mechanism of Se in sized ash particles arising from coal combustion: Model vs. experiment. Fuel Processing Technology,236 (2022):107392.
    1.    Haodong Zhu, Baojun Yi*, Hongyun Hu*, Qizhou Fan, Hao Wang, HongYao. The effects of char and potassium on the fast pyrolysis behaviors of biomass in an infrared-heating condition, Energy, 2021(214):119065.
    2.    Yongda Huang, Hongyun Hu∗, Hongyu Gong, Haoxuan Xing, Bing Yuan, Biao Fu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao∗. Mechanism study of selenium retention by iron minerals during coal combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021(38): 4189–4197.
    3.    Yongda Huang, Hongyu Gong, Hongyun Hu*, Biao Fu, Bing Yuan, Shuai Li, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Migration and emission behavior of arsenic and selenium in a circulating fluidized bed power plant burning arsenic/selenium-enriched coal. Chemosphere, 2021, 263: 127920.
    4.    Hongyu Gong, Yongda Huang, Hongyun Hu*, Mengya Shi, Biao Fu, Cong Luo, Dahai Yan, HongYao. The potential oxidation characteristics of CaCr2O4 during coal combustion with solid waste in a fluidized bed boiler: A thermogravimetric analysis. Chemosphere,2021,263:127974.
    5.    Sihua Xu, Fu Yang, Hongyun Hu*, Linxia Gao*, Tongzhou Chen, Chengyang Cao, Hong Yao. Investigation and improvement of the desulfurization performance of molten carbonates under the influence of typical pyrolysis gases. Waste Management, 2021, 124: 46-53.
    6.    Hua Tang, Hongyun Hu*, Aijun Li, Baojun Yi, Xian Li, Dingding Yao, Hong Yao, Haoran Yuan. Removal of impurities from waste tire pyrolysis char using the molten salt thermal treatment. Fuel, 2021, 301: 121019.
    7.    Chengyang Cao, Huimin Liu, Dan Zhang, Kai Zhu, Aijun Li, Linling Wang, Hongyun Hu*. Investigation on the decomposition mechanism and kinetic behavior of 5-aminotetrazole with metal oxide produced by added coolants. Fuel, 2021(303):121315.
    8.    Yuhan Yang, Tiancheng Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Dingding Yao, Chan Zou, Kai Xu, Xian Li, Hong Yao, Influence of partial components removal on pyrolysis behavior of lignocellulosic biowaste in molten salts, Renewable Energy, 2021(180): 616-625.
    9.    Zihang Zhang, Baojun Yi*, Zhengshuai Sun, Qi Zhang, He Feng, Hongyun Hu*, Xiangguo Huang, Chunqing Zhao. Reaction process and characteristics for coal char gasification under changed CO2/H2O atmosphere in various reaction stages. Energy, 2021(229) :120677.
    1.    Fu Yang,  Hongyun Hu*, Qiang Gao, Yuhan Yang, Kai Xu, Tongzhou Chen, Xian Li, Aijun Li, Hong Yao. In-Depth Experimental Study on Thermochemical Conversion of Furan in Molten Alkali Carbonates. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34: 12724-12733.
    2.    Hongyun Hu*, Kang Xie, Tongzhou Chen, Sihua Xu, FuYang, XianLi, AijunLi, HongYao*. Performance of calcium-added molten alkali carbonates for high-temperature desulfurization from pyrolysis gases.Renewable Energy, 2020,145: 2245-2252.
    3.    Kang Xie, Hongyun Hu*, Jinxiu Cao, Fu Yang, Huan Liu, Aijun Li*, Hong Yao. A novel method for salts removal from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash through the molten thermal treatment. Chemosphere, 2020, 241: 125107
    4.    Tongtong Ma, Yongda Huang, Shuang Deng*, Biao Fu, Guangqian Luo, Jinggang Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Chungang Yuan, Hong Yao. The relationship between selenium retention and fine particles removal during coal combustion. Fuel. 2020, 165:116859.
    5.    Kang Xie, Hongyun Hu*, Sihua Xu, Tongzhou Chen, Yongda Huang, Fu Yang, Hong Yao. Fate of heavy metals during molten salts thermal treatment of municipal solid waste incineration fly ashes. Waste Management, 2020, 103: 334-341.
    6.    Fu Yang, Hongyun Hu*, Huan Liu, Hong Yao. Study on the influence of small molecular gases on toluene reforming in molten salt. Renewable Energy, 2020,153: 832-839.
    7.    Huimin Liu, Yueming Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Biao Fu, Hong Yao*, Jost O.I. Wendt. Enrichment mechanism of arsenic in fine ash deposits during co-combustion of rice husk and coal. Fuel, 2020, 281, 118712.
    8.    Shuai Li, Hongyu Gong, Hongyun Hu*, Huimin Liu, Yongda Huang, Biao Fu, Linling Wang, Hong Yao. Re-using of coal-fired fly ash for arsenic vapors in-situ retention before SCR catalyst: experiments and mechanisms. Chemosphere. 2020, 254: 126700.
    9.    Yuhan Yang, Hongyun Hu*, Fu Yang, Hua Tang, Huan Liu, Baojun Yi, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic bio-waste via fast pyrolysis in molten salts. Fuel, 2020, 278: 118228.
    10.    Yao Zhu, Baojun Yi*, Hongyun Hu*, Zhixi Zong, Meijing Chen, Qiaoxia Yuan. The relationship of structure and organic matter adsorption characteristics by magnetic cattle manure biochar prepared at different pyrolysis temperatures. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 8: 104112.
    11.    龚泓宇, 胡红云*, 刘慧敏, 李帅, 黄永达, 付彪, 罗光前, 姚洪. 燃煤过程中砷的迁移转化及控制技术综述. 中国电机工程学报, 2020, 40(22): 7337-7352.
    12.    Hao Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Yuhan Yang, Huan Liu, Hua Tang, Sihua Xu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao. Effect of high heating rates on products distribution and sulfur transformation during the pyrolysis of waste tires. Waste Management, 2020,118: 9-17.
    13.    黄永达,胡红云,龚泓宇,刘慧敏,付彪,李帅,罗光前,姚洪*. 燃煤电厂砷、硒、铅的排放与控制技术研究进展. 燃料化学学报, 2020, 48(11): 1281-1297.
    14.    赵思岚,刘慧敏,胡红云,黄永达,袁兵,邓双*,贾建丽. 燃煤过程中锑的释放特性与污染控制综述. 燃料化学学报, 2020, 48(12): 1476-1487.
    1.    Yuhan Yang,Hongyun Hu*,Kang Xie, Yongda Huang, Huan Liu,Xian Li, Hong Yao*, Ichiro Naruse. Insight of arsenic transformation behavior during high-arsenic coal combustion.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37: 4443-4450.
    2.    Yongda Huang, Yuhan Yang,Hongyun Hu*,Mian Xu, Huan Liu,Xian Li, Xinye Wang, Hong Yao*. A deep insight into arsenic adsorption over γ-Al2O3in the presence of SO2/NO.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37: 2951-2957.
    3.    Hongyu Gong, Yongda Huang,Hongyun Hu*, Biao Fu, Tongtong Ma, Shuai Li, Kang Xie, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Insight of particulate arsenic removal from coal fired power plants.Fuel,2019, 257: 116018.
    4.    Pengchao Zhang,Hongyun Hu*, Hua Tang, Yuhan Yang, Huan Liu, Qiang Lu, Xian Li, Nakorn Worasuwannarak, Hong Yao. In-depth experimental study of pyrolysis characteristics of raw and cooking treated shrimp shell samples.Renewable Energy, 2019, 139: 730-738.
    5.    Haoxuan Xing, Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Hongping Deng,Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao. Enhanced sodium adsorption capacity of kaolinite using a combined method of thermal pre-activation and intercalation-exfoliation: Alleviating the problems of slagging and fouling during the combustion of Zhundong coal.Fuel, 2019, 239:312-319.
    6.    Yang Li, Huan Liu*, Kangxin Xiao, Xiang Liu,Hongyun Hu, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Correlations between the physicochemical properties of hydrochar and specifc components of waste lettuce: Influence of moisture, carbohydrates,proteins and lipids.Bioresource Technology, 2019, 272: 482-488.
    7.    Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Haoxuan Xing, Geyi Wang, Hongping Deng,Hongyun Hu, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Correlations between the sodium adsorption capacity and the thermal behavior of modified kaolinite during the combustion of Zhundong coal.Fuel,2019,237:170-177.
    8.    Geng Lu, Huan Liu*, Qiang Zhang, Jiaxing Wang, Linlin Yi, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao*. Nitrogen conversion during the homogeneous and heterogeneous stages of sludge steam gasification: Synergistic effects of Fenton's reagent and CaO conditioner.Fuel, 2019,241: 1109-1116.
    9.    Kexin Yi, Huan Liu*, Jiaxing Wang, Geng Lu, Minghao Jin, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao. The adsorption and transformation of SO2, H2S and NH3 by using sludge gasifcation ash: Effects of Fenton oxidation and CaO pre-conditioning. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 360: 1498-1508.
    10.    Linlin Yi, Huan Liu, Kangxin Xiao, Geyi Wang, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao. In situ upgrading of bio-oil via CaO catalyst derived from organic precursors.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37: 3119-3126.
    1.    Hongyun Hu, Mengya Shi, Yuhan Yang, Huan Liu, Mian Xu, Junhao Shen, Hong Yao*. Further insight into the formation and oxidation of CaCr2O4during solid fuel combustion.Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52:2385–2391.
    2.    Mian Xu,Hongyun Hu*, Yuhan Yang, Yongda Huang, Kang Xie, Huan Liu, Xian Li, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse. A deep insight into carbon conversion during Zhundong coal molten salt gasification.Fuel, 2018, 220:890–897.
    3.    Mian Xu,Hongyun Hu*, Fu Yang, Yuhan Yang, Liangkui Jiang, Hua Tang, Xian Li, Kai Xu, Hong Yao.Novel findings in conversion mechanism of toluene as model compound of biomass waste tar in molten salt.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2018, 134: 274-280.
    4.    Hua Tang, Mian Xu,Hongyun Hu*, Fu Yang, Yuhan Yang, Huan Liu, Xian Li, Hong Yao. In-situ removal of sulfur from high sulfur solid waste during molten salt pyrolysis.Fuel, 2018, 231: 489–494.
    5.    Kangxin Xiao, Huan Liu, Yang Li, Linlin Yi, Xiuju Zhang,Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao. Correlations between hydrochar properties and chemical constitution of orange peel waste during hydrothermal carbonization.Bioresource Technology, 2018, 265: 432–436.
    1.    Hongyun Hu, Dunkui Chen, Huan Liu, Yuhan Yang, Hexun Cai, Junhao Shen, Hong Yao*. Adsorption and reaction mechanism of arsenic vapors over g-Al2O3 in the simulated flue gas containing acid gases.Chemosphere, 2017, 180: 186–191.
    2.    Junhao Shen, Hongyun Hu*, Mian Xu, Huan Liu, Kai Xu, Xiuju Zhang, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse. Interactions between molten salts and ash components during Zhundong coal gasification in eutectic carbonates.Fuel, 2017, 207:365–372.
    3.    Hongyun Hu, Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Pingann Zhang, Aijun Li, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse. Sintering characteristics of CaO-rich municipal solid waste incineration fly ash through the addition of Si/Al-rich ash residues.Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management,2016, 18: 340–347.
    4.    Hongyun Hu, Zhang Xu, Huan Liu, Dunkui Chen, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*, Ichiro Naruse. Mechanism of chromium oxidation by alkali and alkaline earth metals during municipal solid waste incineration.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35: 2397–2403.
    5.    Hongyun Hu, Huan Liu, Juan Chen, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*, Fiona Low b, Lian Zhang. Speciation transformation of arsenic during municipal solid waste incineration.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35: 2883–2890.
    6.    Hongyun Hu, Yuan Fang, Huan Liu, Ren Yu, Guangqian Luo, Wenqiang Liu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*. The fate of sulfur during rapid pyrolysis of scrap tires.Chemosphere, 2014, 97: 102–107.
    7.    Hongyun Hu, Huan Liu, Wenqing Shen, Guangqian Luo, Aijun Li, Zhaoling Lu, Hong Yao*. Comparison of CaO’s effect on the fate of heavy metals during thermal treatment of two typical types of MSWI fly ashes in China.Chemosphere, 2013, 93: 590–596.
    8.    Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Huan Liu, Yu Qiao, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao*. Fate of chromium during thermal treatment of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2013, 34: 2795–2801.  
    1.    胡红云,王绎成,徐斯华,刘慧敏,姚洪. 一种高氯灰渣中含氯组分的固定方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202210240022.X
    2.    胡红云;邓雨婷;姚洪. 一种物料动态干燥特性曲线的测量系统及测量方法. 国家发明专利.申请号:202210598877.X
    3.    郭光召;龚丽芳;胡红云;姚洪;刘慧敏;赵思岚;张释义. 可强化重金属稳定化的飞灰螯合处理方法和复合稳定剂.申请号:202110424369.5(已授权)
    4.    胡红云;王华生;董璐;姚洪. 一种固废焚烧烟气的处理方法和系统. 国家发明专利.申请号:202210917854.0
    5.    李松庚;王华生;胡红云;董璐;古国健. 一种对废日轮胎热解产生的热解气进行处理的方法和系统.申请号:CN202210032988.4.

    1.    胡红云, 姚洪, 刘慧敏, 徐斯华, 李爱军, 董璐, 曹承阳. 一种飞灰的处理系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202110699265.5(已授权)
    2.    胡红云, 刘慧敏, 姚洪, 徐斯华, 李爱军, 曹承阳, 董璐. 一种飞灰的处理方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202110700724.7(已授权)
    3.    刘慧敏, 姚洪, 赵培轩, 胡红云, 曹承阳, 徐斯华. 一种盐碱地高盐废水的处理系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 2021110700723.2
    4.    姚洪, 刘慧敏, 李爱军, 李永昭, 满高智, 胡红云, 曹承阳. 一种医疗废物的处理系统和方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202110700713.9(已授权)
    5.    胡红云,任阳,邹潺,高强,李爱军,姚洪.一种利用固体废弃物制备活性炭的方法.国家发明专利.申请号:202111205998.5
    6.    胡红云,任阳, 姚洪,程烨涛,邹潺.一种固废的热处理系统及方法. 国家发明专利.申请号:202111390511.5(已授权)
    1.    胡红云, 王艺程, 姚洪, 黄永达, 龚泓宇, 袁兵, 罗光前. 一种快速鉴定固体颗粒中重金属浸出特性的高效浸提系统. 实用新型专利.  申请号: 202020593542.5(已授权)
    2.    胡红云, 黄永达 ,姚洪, 邓雨婷, 谢康, 杨福, 刘欢, 罗光前. 一种飞灰和脱硫废水协同处理固化重金属的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201910362753.X(已授权)
    3.    胡红云,高强,姚洪,李爱军,杨福,杨宇涵,邓雨婷,徐凯. 一种固废热解液相产物熔盐梯级处理除杂提质装置.  国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010310979.8(已授权)
    4.    胡红云, 高强, 姚洪, 李爱军, 杨福, 杨宇涵, 邓雨婷,徐凯. 一种固废热解液相产物除杂提质方法及产物.  国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010314267.3(已授权)
    5.    胡红云, 唐华, 李爱军, 谢康, 杨宇涵, 杨福, 姚洪. 一种废旧轮胎热解焦经熔盐热处理制备炭黑的方法及产品. PCT国际申请. 申请号: PCT/CN2020/090588(已授权)
    6.    胡红云, 徐斯华, 姚洪, 李爱军, 杨宇涵, 杨福. 一种基于熔盐的固体废弃物连续热处理系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010337712.8(已授权)
    7.    胡红云, 龚泓宇, 姚洪, 付彪, 黄永达, 李帅, 罗光前. 一种飞灰分级与重金属尺度分布分析方法及装置.  国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010676644.8(已授权)
    8.    胡红云, 唐华, 陈思懿, 易宝军, 吴家豪, 李爱军, 姚洪. 一种基于热调理的有机泥渣制备蚯蚓饲料的方法及其产品. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010519126.5
    9.    曹承阳, 胡红云, 刘金鑫, 陈思懿, 邬凡, 李爱军, 王琳玲, 姚洪. 熔盐换热的旋转式连续热解反应炉和热解方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010519384.3(驳回失效)
    1.    胡红云, 唐华, 李爱军, 谢康, 杨宇涵, 杨福, 姚洪. 一种废旧轮胎热解焦经熔盐热处理制备炭黑的方法及产品. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201910417723.4(已授权)
    2.    胡红云, 杨福, 许勉, 姚洪, 杨宇涵, 唐华, 刘欢. 一种焦油熔盐重整定向制备高品质油的方法及产品. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201910416801.9(已授权)
    3.    胡红云, 章鹏超, 谢康 邓雨婷 杨宇涵, 杨福, 唐华, 姚洪. 一种基于虾蟹基壳体热解制备橡胶填料的方法及产品. 国家发明专利,申请号: 201910285297.3(已授权)
    4.    胡红云, 马彤彤, 黄永达, 袁兵, 罗光前, 姚洪. 一种同步测量飞灰中硒总量和硒价态的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201910574310.7(已授权)
    5.    刘慧敏, 胡红云, 姚洪, 付彪, 王艺程. 一种应急处理阀门. 国家发明专利. 申请号:201911300694.X(驳回失效)
    1.    胡红云, 王艺程, 刘欢, 杨宇涵, 高亮, 王禹贤, 周哲宇, 宋海, 姚洪. 一种基于温湿调控快速干燥含湿物料的系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201810073806.1(已授权)
    2.    胡红云, 杨宇涵,姚洪,谢康, 唐华, 杨福.一种基于熔盐多级提质混合有机固体废弃物的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号:2018102401904180(已授权)
    1.    胡红云, 谢康, 姚洪, 刘欢, 杨宇涵, 许勉, 申俊豪, 黄永达. 一种垃圾焚烧飞灰熔盐热处理系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201710940210.2(已授权)
    2.    胡红云, 章鹏超, 姚洪, 刘欢, 杨宇涵, 许勉, 申俊豪, 唐华. 一种生活垃圾热解制备活性焦的装置及方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号:  201710940231.4(已授权)
    3.    胡红云, 杨宇涵, 姚洪, 黄永达, 刘欢, 申俊豪, 许勉, 石梦雅, 曹金秀.一种通过快速降解畜禽废弃物来制备生态有机粗肥的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201710266771.9
    4.    胡红云, 申俊豪, 姚洪, 谢康, 许勉, 刘欢, 杨宇涵. 一种基于熔盐资源化回收硫化氢、羰基硫的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201710791711.9(驳回失效)
    1.    胡红云, 曹金秀, 姚洪, 谢康, 刘欢, 许勉, 申俊豪, 杨宇涵. 一种垃圾焚烧飞灰熔盐热处理方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201611028901.7 (已授权)
    1.    姚洪, 陈敦奎,胡红云, 徐章, 刘欢. 一种流化床反应器及其应用. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201510204920.X (已授权)
    2.    胡红云, 曹金秀, 姚洪, 刘欢, 杨宇涵,申俊豪, 许勉.一种多污染物协同脱除吸附剂及其制备方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201510999099.5(已授权)
    1.    姚洪, 胡红云, 徐章, 陈敦奎, 曹金秀, 刘欢. 一种砷价态的测定方法, 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201410665262.X(已授权)


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