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姓 名 刘志春 性 别
职 称 教授(博导) 毕业学校
个人主页 http://tsl.energy.hust.edu.cn
联系方式 027-87542618
邮 箱 zcliu@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 伟德国际1946官方网动力楼318
刘志春,伟德国际1946源自英国二级教授,博士生导师,入选国家级高层次人才计划,伟德国际1946官方网工程热物理系主任,兼任工程热物理系实验室主任。2006年毕业于伟德国际1946源自英国工程热物理专业,获得博士学位。2011年11月至2012年12月在MIT机械系陈刚教授课题组访学。2014年11月晋升为教授。学术兼职:兼任中国工程热物理学会传热传质分会青年工作委员会委员、中国工程热物理学会热管专业组委员、中国复合材料学会导热复合材料专业委员会委员,中国机械工程学会压力容器分会换热器委员会委员,《节能技术》、《Processes》编委,国家自然科学基金地区合作项目会评专家,国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家等。主要研究方向:电子器件散热与控制技术、传热强化理论与技术、质子交换燃料电池中的水、热管理以及微纳尺寸下能量传递与转换。科研方面,主持或完成包括国防预研项目、国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题项目以及“863”重点项目子课题等国家或者省部级课题10余项,以及包括航天一院、航天八院、中船701所、中电29所、华为、中兴、格力电器、申菱空调等企业和科研院所合作项目十余项,作为技术骨干主要参与了包括国家“973”计划子课题、国家自然科学基金重点等国家及省部级项目十余项。获授权发明专利22项,在国内外重要期刊及会议上发表240余篇学术论文,其中SCI收录190余篇。获国家自然科学二等奖(2020,排名2),教育部科技进步一等奖1项(2016,排名3),湖北省自然科学一等奖(2019,排名2),青岛市科技进步二等奖2项(2017,排名3;2007,排名5),山东省科技进步三等奖1项(2008, 排名5)。






    [9]国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于新型高效掺杂物和3D-1D-2D/3D定向成型的高导热聚合物材料的热输运机理探究与实验研究,51776079  2018/01-2021/12,61万,主
    [13]中车青岛四方车辆研究所有限公司, XXX两相流换热系统设计、仿真与优化,2019.9-2021.12, 44.8万,主持


    [1]Yifan Zhang, Ji Li, Zikang Zhang, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Enhancing Thermo-Osmotic Low-Grade Heat Recovery by Applying a Negative Pressure to the Feed. Global Challenges,2023,7:2200238.
    [2]Yifan Zhang, Yongxiang Fan, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Experimental and numerical study on two-phase minichannel cold plate for high-power device. Applied Thermal Engineering,2023,230:120704
    [3]Shan Gao, Jian Qu, Zhichun Liu, Weigang Ma. Sequential self-propelled morphology transitions of nanoscale condensates enable a cascade jumping-droplet condensation. Nano Energy,2023,113:108558.
    [4]S.C. Zhao, Zikang Zhang, Runze Zhao, Tong Wu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Z.C. Liu, Wei Liu. An R1234ze(E) loop heat pipe with flat-plate evaporator for cooling electronic devices. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress,2023,42:101935
    [5]Lu Wang, Yanan Zhao, Xi Chen, Rui long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Experimental study on the effects of salt solution pH on the performance of reverse electrodialysis stack. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023,170:728-737
    [6]Minghui Zhang, Minjie Yu, Zhichun Liu, Zhengkai Tu, Wei Liu. Moisture migration in the cathode GDL of PEMFC under variable physical parameters based on a modified two-fluid model. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.01.055
    [7]Zikang Zhang, Runze Zhao, Shuaicheng Zhao, Hao Zou, Zhichun Liu, Xiaobing Luo, Wei Liu. Performance characteristics of a two-phase pump-assisted loop heat pipe with dual-evaporators in parallel. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress,2023,38:101657. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsep.2023.101657
    [8]Zhimin Dong, Qinglin Du, Peng Liu, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. A numerical investigation and irreversibility optimization of constantly grooved solar air heates. Renewable Energy,2023,207:629-646. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2023.03.055
    [9]H.C. Cui, C.Y. Shi, M.J. Yu, Z.K. Zhang, Z.C. Liu, W. Liu. Optimal parameter design of a slot jet impingement/microchannel heat sink base on multi-objective optimization algorithm. Applied Thermal Engineering,2023,227:120452.
    [10]Yancong Qiao, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu*. Design and optimization study of discrete inclined ribs enhanced bend tube based on “Diamond” active cooling thermal protection systems of hypersonic aircraft. Applied Thermal Engineering,2023,228:120526.

    [11]Song He, Zhengyuan Ma, Weizhong Deng, ZiKang Zhang, Ziqi Guo, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu, Experimental investigation on the start-up performance of a novel flat loop heat pipe with dual evaporators, Energy Reports, 8:7500-7507, 2022.
    [12]Y. Wang, P. Liu, H. Xiao, Z. Liu, W. Liu,Design and optimization on symmetrical wing longitudinal swirl generators in circular tube for laminar flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 193:122961, 2022.
    [13]Li, M., Zhao, Y., Long, R., Liu, Z., Liu, W. Computational fluid dynamic study on the adsorption-based desalination and cooling system (2022) Applied Thermal Engineering, 213:118724, .
    [14]Zhang, J., Wang, J., Li, W., Liu, Z., Kabelac, S., Tao, Z., Ma, L., Tang, W., Sherif, S.A. R410A flow boiling in horizontal annular channels of enhanced tubes, part I: Pressure drop (2022) International Journal of Refrigeration, 137: 70-79.
    [15]Zhao, Y., Li, M., Long, R., Liu, Z., Liu, W. Review of osmotic heat engines for low-grade heat harvesting (2022) Desalination, 527:115571, .
    [16]Chen, X., Luo, Z., Long, R., Liu, Z., Liu, W. Impacts of transmembrane pH gradient on nanofluidic salinity gradient energy conversion (2022) Renewable Energy, 187:440-449.
    [17]Cui, H.C., Xie, J.H., Zhao, R.Z., Wang, M.Z., Liu, Z.C., Liu, W. Thermal-hydraulic performance analysis of a hybrid micro pin–fin, jet impingement heat sink with non-uniform heat flow (2022) Applied Thermal Engineering, 208:118201.
    [18]Li, M., Zhao, Y., Long, R., Liu, Z., Liu, W. Metal foam packed adsorbent bed boosting the performance of the adsorption-based desalination and cooling system (2022) Energy Conversion and Management, 254:115250, .
    [19]Yu, M., Shi, C., Xie, J., Liu, P., Liu, Z., Liu, W. Constructal design of a circular micro-channel Stirling regenerator based on exergy destruction minimization (2022) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 183:122240, .
    [20]Wu, J., Liu, P., Yu, M., Liu, Z., Liu, W. Thermo-hydraulic performance and exergy analysis of a fin-and-tube heat exchanger with sinusoidal wavy winglet type vortex generators (2022) International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 172:107274, .
    [21]Xie, J.H., Cui, H.C., Liu, Z.C., Liu, W. Optimization design of helical micro fin tubes based on exergy destruction minimization principle (2022) Applied Thermal Engineering, 200:117640, .
    [22]Gao, S., Qu, J., Liu, Z., Liu, W. Nanoscale Thin-Film Boiling Processes on Heterogeneous Surfaces (2022) Langmuir.
    [23]Zhao, R.Z., Li, J., Zhang, Z.K., Long, R., Liu, W., Liu, Z.C. Harvesting net power and desalinating water by pressure-retarded membrane distillation (2022) Science China Technological Sciences, 65 (1):214-220.
    [24]Xiaotian Lai , Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Solar energy powered high-recovery reverse osmosis for synchronous seawater desalination and energy storage. Energy Conversion and Management,2021,228:113665.
    [25]Minjie Yu, Xiaotian Lai, Hui Xiao, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. A study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of a constructal bifurcation filler in the circular tube. Applied Thermal Engineering,2021,183:116205.
    [26]Hui Xiao , Zhichun Liu , Wei Liu. Conjugate heat transfer enhancement in the mini-channel heat sink by realizing the optimized flow pattern.Applied Thermal Engineering,2021,182:116131.
    [27]Yunmin Liang, Biwei Liu, Bo Zhang, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Effects and mechanism of filler surface coating strategy on thermal conductivity of composites: A case study on epoxy/SiO2-coated BN composites. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2021,163:120533.
    [28]Hui Xiao, Peng Liu, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Performance analyses in parabolic trough collectors by inserting novel inclined curved-twisted baffles. Renewable Energy,2021,165:14-27.
    [29]Zikang Zhang, Runze Zhao, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Application of biporous wick in flat-plate loop heat pipe with long heat transfer distance. Applied Thermal Engineering.
    [30]Minjie Yu, Feng Xin, Xiaotian Lai, Hui Xiao, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Study of oscillating flows through a novel constructal bifurcation Stirling regenerator. Applied Thermal Engineering,2021,184:116413.
    [31]Rui Long, Xiaoxiao Xia, Yanan Zhao, Song Li, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Screening metal-organic frameworks for adsorptiondriven osmotic heat engines via grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations and machine learning. iScience,2021,24:101914.
    [32]Peng Liu, Zhimin Dong, Hui Xiao, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Thermal-hydraulic performance analysis of a novel parabolic trough receiver with double tube for solar cascade heat collection. Energy,2021,219:119566.
    [33]H.C. Cui, X.T. Lai, J.F. Wu, M.Z. Wang, W. Liu, Z.C. Liu. Overall numerical simulation and experimental study of a hybrid oblique-rib and submerged jet impingement/microchannel heat sink. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2021,167:120839.
    [34]Rui Long, Fan Wu, Xiyu Chen, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Temperature-depended ion concentration polarization in electrokinetic energy conversion. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2021,168:120842.
    [35]Bo Zhang, Yunmin Liang, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Effects of the Filler Property, Electron-Phonon Coupling on Thermal Conductivity, and Strain Rate on the Mechanical Property of Polyethylene Nanocomposites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2020,124,26001-26011.
    [36]Mingliang Li, Yanan Zhao, Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Computational fluid dynamic study on adsorption-based desalination and cooling systems with stepwise porosity distribution. Desalination,2021,508:115048
    [37]Zhimin Dong, Peng Liu, Hui Xiao, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. A study on heat transfer enhancement for solar air heaters with ripple surface. Renewable Energy,2021,172:477-487.
    [38]Rui Long, Mingliang Li, Xi Chen, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Synergy analysis for ion selectivity in nanofluidic salinity gradient energy harvesting. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2021,171:121126.
    [39]Ji Li, Zikang Zhang, Runze Zhao, Bo Zhang, Yunmin Liang, Rui Long, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Stack Thermo-Osmotic System for Low-Grade Thermal Energy Conversion. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2021,13:21371-21378
    [40]Yanan Zhao, Mingliang Li, Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Dynamic modeling and analysis of an advanced adsorption-based osmotic heat engines to harvest solar energy. Renewable Energy, 2021,175:638-649
    [41]Yunmin Liang, Bo Zhang, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Electroless deposition surface engineering of boron nitride sheets for enhanced thermal conductivity and decreased interfacial thermal resistance of epoxy composites. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021,174:121306.
    [42]Chunyu Shi, Miaozhi Wang ,Jun Yang, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Performance analysis and multi-objective optimization for tubes partially filled with gradient porous media. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021,188:116530.
    [43]Peng Liu, Zhimin Dong ,Hui Xiao ,Zhichun Liu ,Wei Liu. A novel parabolic trough receiver by inserting an inner tube with a wing-like fringe for solar cascade heat collection. Renewable Energy, 2021,170:327-340.
    [44]Feng Xin, Minjie Yu, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Heat transfer characteristics of enhanced cooling tube with a helical wire under oscillatory flow in Stirling engine. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021,168:107063.https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1290072921002271
    [45]Runze Zhao, Zikang Zhang, Shuaicheng Zhao, Haichuan Cui, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Experimental study of flat-disk loop heat pipe with R1233zd(E) for cooling terrestrial electronics. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021,197:117385.
    [46]Mingliang Li, Yanan Zhao, Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Field synergy analysis for heat and mass transfer characteristics in adsorption-based desalination and cooling systems. Desalination, 2021,517:115244.
    [47]Bing Cai, Weizhong Deng, Tong Wu, Tingting Wang, Zhengyuan Ma, Wei Liu, Lei Ma, Zhichun Liu. Experimental Study of a Loop Heat Pipe with Direct Pouring Porous Wick for Cooling Electronics. Processes, 2021,9,1332.
    [48]Feng Shan, Siyang Qin, Yao Xiao, A. Watanabe, M. Kano, F.Y. Zhou, Z.C. Liu, W. Liu and Y. Tsuji3. Large-scale energetic coherent structures and their effects on wall mass transfer rate behind orifice in round pipe. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021,927.
    [49]Runze Zhao, Ji Li, Zikang Zhang, Rui Long, Wei Liu & ZhiChun Liu*. Harvesting net power and desalinating water by pressure-retarded membrane distillation. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2021.
    [50]Ji Li, Rui Long, Bo Zhang, Ronggui Yang, Wei Liu, and Zhichun Liu. Nano Heat Pump Based on Reverse Thermo-osmosis Effect. The Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters,2020,11,9856-9861.
    [51]Hui Xiao, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Turbulent heat transfer enhancement in the mini-channel by enhancing the original flow pattern with v-ribs. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2020,163:120378.
    [52]Shicheng Wang, Biao Xiao, Ya Ge, Lin He, Xiang Li, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Optimization design of slotted fins based on exergy destruction minimization coupled with optimization algorithm. International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2020,147:106133.
    [53]Biao Xiao, Weizhong Deng, Zhengyuan Ma, Song He, Lin He, Xiang Li, Fang Yuan, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu.Experimental investigation of loop heat pipe with a large squared evaporator for multi-heat sources cooling. Renewable Energy,2020,147:239-248.
    [54]Rui Long, Zuoqing Luo, Zhengfei Kuang, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Effects of heat transfer and the membrane thermal conductivity on the thermally nanofluidic salinity gradient energy conversion. Nano Energy,2020,67:104284
    [55]Liangsuo Shu, Xiaokang Liu, Kaifeng Cui, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Fluctuation and inertia. Nuclear Physics B,2020,950:114873.
    [56]Genchun Cai, Yunmin Liang, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Design and optimization of bio-inspired wave-like channel for a PEM fuel cell applying genetic algorithm. Energy,2020,192:116670.
    [57]Rui Long, Yanan Zhao, Zhengfei Kuang, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Hydrodynamic slip enhanced nanofluidic reverse electrodialysis for salinity gradient energy harvesting. Desalination,2020,477:114263.
    [58]J.Y. Lv, Z.C. Liu, W. Liu. Active design for the tube insert of center-connected deflectors based on the principle of exergy destruction minimization. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2020,150:119260.
    [59]Hao Zhang, Chi Jiang, Zikang Zhang, Zhichun Liu, Xiaobing Luo, Wei Liu. A study on thermal performance of a pump-assisted loop heat pipe with ammonia as working fluid. Applied Thermal Engineering,2020,175:115342.
    [60]Zikang Zhang, Hao Zhang, Xiaotian Lai, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Numerical study on thermohydraulic behavior in compensation chamber of a loop heat pipe with flat evaporator. Applied Thermal Engineering 2020,171:115073
    [61]Zikang Zhang, Hao Zhang, Zhenyuan Ma, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Experimental study of heat transfer capacity for loop heat pipe with flat disk evaporator. Applied Thermal Engineering,2020,173:115183.
    [62]Yanan Zhao, Zuoqing Luo, Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Performance evaluations of an adsorption-based power and cooling cogeneration system under different operative conditions and working fluids. Energy,2020,204:117993.
    [63]Hui Xiao, Zhimin Dong, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Heat transfer performance and flow characteristics of solar air heaters with inclined trapezoidal vortex generators. Applied Thermal Engineering,2020,179:115484.
    [64]Peng Liu, Zhimin Dong, Jinyi Lv, Feng Shan, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Numerical study on thermal-hydraulic performance and exergy analysis of laminar oil flow in a circular tube with fluid exchanger inserts. International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2020,153:106365.
    [65]Bo Zhang, Yunmin Liang, Biwei Liu, Wei Liu and Zhichun Liu. Enhancing the Thermo-Mechanical Property of Polymer by Weaving and Mixing High Length–Diameter Ratio Filler. Polymers,2020,12:1255.
    [66]Yanan Zhao, Mingliang Li, Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Dynamic modelling and analysis of an adsorption-based power and cooling cogeneration system. Energy Conversion and Management,2020,222:113229.
    [67]Fang Yuan, Wengang Dong, Guangfeng Shen, Yi Li, Wei Liu. Energy flow-based method for analysis and optimization of evaporative cooling and ventilation systems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2020,146:118865.
    [68]Si-Yang Qin, Hui Xiao, Yao Xiao, Peng Liu, Fang-Yuan Zhou, Wei Liu, Zhi-Chun Liu, Feng Shan. Experimental investigation of the coherent structures in a spirally corrugated pipe. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow,2020,84:108601.
    [69]Song He, Ping Zhou, Zhengyuan Ma, Weizhong Deng, Hao Zhang, Zhaokun Chi, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Experimental study on transient performance of the loop heat pipe with a pouring porous wick. Applied Thermal Engineering,2020,164:114450
    [70]Peng Liu, Nianben Zheng, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Thermal-hydraulic performance and entropy generation analysis of a parabolic trough receiver with conical strip inserts. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 179:30-45.
    [71]Ping Zhou, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of nucleate boiling in micro-pillar structured surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,131:1-10.
    [72]Ya Ge, Shicheng Wang, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Optimal shape design of a minichannel heat sink applying multi-objective optimization algorithm and three-dimensional numerical method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,148:120-128.
    [73]Yifan Wang, Peng Liu, Feng Shan, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Effect of longitudinal vortex generator on the heat transfer enhancement of a circular tube. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,148:1018-1028
    [74]Xinting Wang, Yunmin Liang, Yue Sun, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Experimental and numerical investigation on shell-side performance of a double shell-pass rod baffle heat exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,132:631-642.
    [75]Henan Sun, Ya Ge, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Geometric optimization of two-stage thermoelectric generator using genetic algorithms and thermodynamic analysis. Energy, 2019,171:37-48.
    [76]W. Liu, P. Liu, Z.M. Dong, K. Yang, Z.C. Liu. A study on the multi-field synergy principle of convective heat and mass. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,134:722-734.
    [77]Zhengfei Kuang, Dijing Zhang, Yuemin Shen, Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Bioinspired fractal nanochannels for high-performance salinity gradient energy conversion. Journal of Power Sources, 2019,418:33-41.
    [78]Rui Long, Xiaotian Lai, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Pressure retarded osmosis: Operating in a compromise between power density and energy efficiency. Energy, 2019,172:592-598.
    [79]Liangsuo Shu, Kaifeng Cui, Xiaokang Liu, Zhichun Liu, and Wei Liu. Surface Tension of the Black Hole Horizon. Fortschritte der Physik, 2019,1800076:1-5.
    [80]Hui Xiao, Junbo Wang, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Turbulent heat transfer optimization for solar air heater with variation method based on exergy destruction minimization principle. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,136:1096-1105.
    [81]Peng Liu, Jinyi Lv, Feng Shan, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Effects of rib arrangements on the performance of a parabolic trough receiver with ribbed absorber tube. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,156:1-13.
    [82]Dongdong Dai, Zhichun Liu, Fang Yuan, Rui Long, Wei Liu. Finite time thermodynamic analysis of a solar duplex Stirling refrigerator. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,156:597-605.
    [83]Song He, Zhichun Liu, DongDong Wang, Wei Liu, Jinguo Yang. Effect of different charge ratios on transient performance of a flat type of the LHP with a shared compensation chamber. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,138:1075-1081.
    [84]Ya Ge, Feng Xin, Yao Pan, Zhichun Liu. Optimal arrangement design of a tube bundle in cross-flow using computational fluid dynamics and multi-objective genetic algorithm. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2019,141,071801.
    [85]Henan Sun, Sergio Uson Gil, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Structure optimization and exergy analysis of a two-stage TEC with two different connections. Energy, 2019,180:175-191.
    [86]Xiaotian Lai, Minjie Yu, Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Clean and stable utilization of solar energy by integrating dish solar Stirling engine and salinity gradient technology. Energy, 2019,182:802-813.
    [87]Wei Tian, Song He, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu.Experimental investigation of a miniature loop heat pipe with eccentric evaporator for cooling electronics. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,159,113982.
    [88]Xiaotian Lai, Minjie Yu, Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Dynamic performance analysis and optimization of dish solar Stirling engine based on a modified theoretical model. Energy, 2019,183:573-583.
    [89]Ping Zhou, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu, Xili Duan. LBM simulates the effect of sole nucleate site geometry on pool boiling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,160:114027.
    [90]Jun Shen, Liping Zeng, Zhengkai Tu, Zhichun Liu & Wei Liu. Numerical investigation of temperature distribution of proton exchange membrane fuel cells at high current density. Journal of Porous Media, 2019,22(7):813-829.
    [91]Dongdong Dai, Zhichun Liu, Rui Long, Fang Yuan, Wei Liu. An irreversible Stirling cycle with temperature difference both in non-isothermal and isochoric processes. Energy, 2019,186,115875.
    [92]Bo Zhang, Ji Li, Shan Gao, Wei Liu, and Zhichun Liu. Comparison of thermomechanical properties for weaved polyethylene and its nanocomposite based on the CNT junction by molecular dynamics simulation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019,123:19412-19420.
    [93]Yunmin Liang, Peng Liu, Nianben Zheng, Feng Shan, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Numerical investigation of heat transfer and flow characteristics of laminar flow in a tube with center-tapered wavy-tape insert. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,148:557-567.
    [94]Biao Xiao, Weizhong Deng, Zhengyuan Ma, Song He, Lin He, Xiang Li, Fang Yuan, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu.Experimental investigation of loop heat pipe with a large squared evaporator for multi-heat sources cooling. Renewable Energy,2019,147:239-248
    [95]Ji Li, Shan Gao, Rui Long, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Self-pumped evaporation for ultra-fast water desalination and power generation. Nano Energy, 2019,65,104059
    [96]Bo Zhang, Peng Mao, Yunming Liang, Yan He, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Modulating Thermal Transport in Polymers and Interfaces: Theories, Simulations, and Experiments. Energy & Environment,2019,5,37-55
    [97]Liu P, Zheng N, Shan F, Liu Z, Liu W. An experimental and numerical study on the laminar heat transfer and flow characteristics of a circular tube fitted with multiple conical strips inserts. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 117:691-709.
    [98]Ge Y, Shan F, Liu Z, Liu W. Optimal Structural Design of a Heat Sink With Laminar Single-Phase Flow Using Computational Fluid Dynamics-Based Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2018, 140(2):022803.
    [99]Shan Gao, Quanwen Liao, Wei Liu, Liu Zhichun. Coalescence-Induced Jumping of Nanodroplets on Textured Surfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2018, 9:13-18.
    [100]Hui Xiao, Junbo Wang, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. A consistent SIMPLE algorithm with extra explicit prediction — SIMPLEPC. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 120:1255-1265
    [101]Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Performance analysis for minimally nonlinear irreversible refrigerators at finite cooling power. Physica A, 2018, 496:137-146. ‍
    [102]Ya Ge, Zhichun Liu, Henan Sun, Wei Liu. Optimal design of a segmented thermoelectric generator based on three-dimensional numerical simulation and multi-objective genetic algorithm. Energy, 2018, 147:1060-1069.
    [103]Xiaotian Lai, Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. A hybrid system using direct contact membrane distillation for water production to harvest waste heat from the proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Energy, 2018, 147:578-586.
    [104]D.D. Dai, F. Yuan, R. Long, Z.C. Liu, W. Liu. Imperfect regeneration analysis of Stirling engine caused by temperature differences in regenerator. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 158:60-69.
    [105]W. Liu, P. Liu, J.B. Wang, N.B. Zheng, Z.C. Liu. Exergy destruction minimization: A principle to convective heat transfer enhancement. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 122:11-21.
    [106]Rui Long, Xiaotian Lai, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Direct contact membrane distillation system for waste heat recovery: Modelling and multi-objective optimization. Energy, 2018, 148:1060-1068
    [107]Xinting Wang, Nianben Zheng, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Numerical analysis and optimization study on shell-side performances of a shell and tube heat exchanger with staggered baffles. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 124:247-259
    [108]Rui Long, Baode Li, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Reverse electrodialysis: Modelling and performance analysis based on multi-objective optimization. Energy, 2018, 151:1-10
    [109]Rui Long, Zhengfei Kuang, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Reverse electrodialysis in bilayer nanochannels: salinity gradient-driven power generation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20:7295-7302
    [110]Rui Long, Xiaotian Lai, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. A continuous concentration gradient flow electrical energy storage system based on reverse osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis. Energy, 2018, 152:896-905
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    [5]刘伟,刘鹏,刘志春,杨金国,一种适用于换热管的片状涡发生器插入结构及换热管,发明专利,授权号:ZL 201711122327.6, 2019.6
    [6]刘志春,梁运民,杨金国,刘伟,楔形波浪式插入物及使用其的强化传热管,发明专利,授权号:ZL201710234710.4, 2019.3
    [7]刘志春,张凯,李鹏霄,梁运民,刘伟,杨金国,适用于换热管的插入式强化换热组件及强化换热管,专利号:201610700836.1, 2019.3
    [8]刘志春,何松,刘伟,杨金国,赵靖,一种二次芯蒸发器及其应用,发明专利,授权号:ZL 201510853085.2, 2017.12
    [9]刘伟,王新婷,刘志春,杨金国,一种双壳程折流杆管壳式换热器,发明专利,授权号:ZL 201510673102.4, 2017.7
    [10]刘志春,李鹏霄,刘伟,杨金国,一种换热管内的引流式插入装置,发明专利,授权号:ZL 201510448055.3, 2017.4
    [11]刘志春,赵靖,刘伟,杨金国,何松,一种双毛细芯蒸发器,授权号:ZL 201510824117.6, 2018.3
    [12]李权,王新婷,刘伟,刘志春,吕圣杰,刘光辉,蓝月华,陈瑾,张秀红,全迪锋,导流筒内引流减阻装置、导流筒及管壳式换热器,发明专利,授权号:ZL 201610159504.7,
    [13]江驰, 刘伟, 刘志春, 杨金国, 王恒超, 李佳玉, 泵辅助毛细相变回路系统, 发明专利, 授权号: ZL 201418000105.8
    [17]刘伟,刘志春等,用于LHP和CPL的平面圆盘式毛细芯蒸发器,发明专利,授权号: ZL200610055641.2

