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姓 名 范爱武 性 别
职 称 教授(博导) 毕业学校
邮 箱 faw@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 伟德国际1946源自英国清洁能源大楼S902
范爱武,男,三级教授,博士生导师,华中卓越学者。同时为煤燃烧国家重点实验室基础燃烧研究团队骨干,中欧清洁与可再生伟德国际1946官方网(ICARE)兼职教授。现指导博士生2人、硕士生8人;已毕业博士生7人,硕士生20余人。曾在电厂工作4年,并留学日本2年多。研究兴趣包括:微尺度燃烧及其应用、电子器件散热技术、强化传热理论与技术、储能技术、多孔介质传热传质等多个领域。截至目前,已在国际权威期刊上发表SCI论文85篇,其中ESI高被引论文8篇,连续2年被评为“爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researchers)”,入选全球顶尖2%科学家排行榜。出版著作2部,教材3本。申请或授权发明专利15项。讲授《工程传热学》、《工程热力学》、《动力工程现代测试技术》、《多孔介质传热传质理论》等课程。


    1991年9月~1995年7月 华中理工大学动力系,本科毕业;
    1995年8月~1999年8月 巴陵石化公司岳阳石化总厂热电厂,技术员;
    1999年9月~2004年5月 伟德国际1946官方网,获博士学位;
    2004年6月~2006年7月 伟德国际1946源自英国力学系博士后流动站,博士后;
    2006年1月~2006年7月 东北师范大学留日预备学校,日语培训;
    2006年10月~2008年10月 日本东北大学,博士后;
    2009年2月~ 2015年10月 伟德国际1946源自英国,副教授;
    2011年4月~ 2014年4月,工程热物理系副主任;
    2011年5月~ 2015年10月,伟德国际1946源自英国,副教授/博导;
    2013年10月~ 2013年12月 日本东北大学,访问学者;
    2015年11月~2021年10月  伟德国际1946源自英国,教授(四级)/博导;
    2021年11月~至今  伟德国际1946源自英国,教授(三级)/博导




    1. 国家自然科学基金4项(在研1项,已结题3项);
    2. 湖北省自然科学基金(已结题);
    3. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(已结题);
    4. 武汉市科技攻关重点基金(已结题);
    5. 重庆大学教育部重点实验室开放基金(已结题);
    6. 煤燃烧国家重点实验室开放基金2项(已结题);
    7. 伟德国际1946源自英国自主创新基金3项(已结题);
    8. 伟德国际1946源自英国GF创新基金2项(已结题);
    9. 伟德国际1946源自英国博士论文创新基金2项(已结题);
    10. 伟德国际1946源自英国教研项目(已结题);

    1. 老板电器股份有限公司委托项目(在研);
    2. 湖北迪峰换热器股份有限公司委托项目(在研);
    3. 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司委托项目2项(已结题);
    4. 美的洗涤电器制造有限公司委托项目(已结题);
    5. 四川空分设备有限责任公司委托项目(已结题);


    [1] 刘伟,范爱武,黄晓明,多孔介质传热传质理论与应用,科学出版社,2006
    [2] 范爱武,姚洪,刘伟,微小尺度燃烧,科学出版社,2012
    [3] 黄晓明,刘志春,范爱武,工程热力学,伟德国际1946源自英国出版社,2011
    [4] 黄晓明,许国良,刘志春,范爱武,方海生,工程热力学,中国电力出版社,2015
    [5] 邹春,王兆文,娄春,范爱武,鲁昊,基础燃烧学,伟德国际1946源自英国出版社,2020

    [1]J.L. Wan, A.W. Fan*, Recent progress in flame stabilization technologies for combustion-based micro energy and power systems, Fuel, 286: 119391, 2021
    [2]S.X. Wang, A.W. Fan*, Numerical investigation of CH4/H2/air flame bifurcations in a micro flow reactor with controlled wall temperature profile. Combustion and Flame, 241:112070, 2022
    [3]S.X. Wang, A.W. Fan*, Combustion regimes of syngas flame in a micro flow reactor with controlled temperature profile: A numerical study. Combustion and Flame, 230: 111457, 2021
    [4]L.H. Li, G.Y. Yang, A.W. Fan*, Non-premixed combustion characteristics and thermal performance of a catalytic combustor for micro-thermophotovoltaic systems, Energy, 214: 118893, 2021
    [5]L.H. Li, A.W. Fan*, A numerical study on non-premixed H2/air flame stability in a micro-combustor with a slotted bluff-body, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46: 2658-2666, 2021
    [6]M. Zhao, A.W. Fan*, Buoyancy effects on hydrogen diffusion flames confined in a small tube, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45: 19926-19935, 2020
    [7]S.X. Wang, Z.L. Yuan, A.W. Fan*, Experimental investigation on non-premixed CH4/air combustion in a novel miniature Swiss-roll combustor, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 139: 44-50, 2019
    [8]Y. Xiang, Z.L. Yuan, S.X. Wang, A.W. Fan*, Effects of flow rate and fuel/air ratio on propagation behaviors of diffusion H2/air flames in a micro combustor, Energy, 179: 315-322, 2019
    [9]S.X. Wang, L.H. Li, A.W. Fan*, Suppression of flame instability by a short catalytic segment on the wall of a micro channel with a prescribed wall temperature profile, Fuel, 2018, 234: 1329-1336
    [10]D.G. Ning, Y. Liu, Y. Xiang, A.W. Fan*, Experimental investigation on non-premixed methane/air combustion in Y-shaped meso-scale combustors with/without fibrous porous media, Energy Conversion and Management, 138: 22-29, 2017
    [11]Y. Liu, D.G. Ning, A.W. Fan*, H. Yao, Experimental and numerical investigations on flame stability of methane/air mixtures in mesoscale combustors filled with fibrous porous media, Energy Conversion and Management, 123: 402-409, 2016
    [12]J.L. Wan, A.W. Fan*, H. Yao, Effect of the length of a plate flame holder on the flame blowout limit in a micro-combustor with preheating channels, Combustion and Flame, 170:53-62, 2016
    [13]J.L. Wan, A.W. Fan*, Y. Liu, H. Yao, W. Liu, X.L. Gou, D.Q. Zhao, Experimental investigation and numerical analysis on flame stabilization of CH4/air mixture in a mesoscale channel with wall cavities, Combustion and Flame, 162: 1035-1045, 2015
    [14]J.L. Wan, Wei Yang, Aiwu Fan*, Yi Liu, Hong Yao, Wei Liu, Yiqing Du, Daiqing Zhao, A numerical investigation on combustion characteristics of H2/air mixture in a micro-combustor with wall cavities, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39: 8138-8146, 2014
    [15]J.L. Wan, A.W. Fan*, H. Yao, W. Liu,  Flame-anchoring mechanisms of a micro cavity-combustor for premixed H2/air flame, Chemical Engineering Journal, 275: 17-26, 2015
    [16]A.W. Fan*, H. Zhang, J.L. Wan, Numerical investigations on flame blow-off limit of a novel microscale Swiss-roll combustor with a bluff-body, Energy, 123: 252-259, 2017
    [17]A.W. Fan*, J.L. Wan, K. Maruta, H. Yao, W. Liu, Interactions between heat transfer, flow field and flame stabilization in a micro-combustor with a bluff body, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 66: 72-79, 2013
    [18]J.L. Wan, A.W. Fan*, K. Maruta, H. Yao, W. Liu, Experimental and numerical investigation on combustion characteristics of premixed hydrogen/air flame in a micro-combustor with a bluff body, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37: 19190-19197, 2012
    [19]A.W. Fan, S. Minaev, E. Sereshchenko, R. Fursenko, S. Kumar, W. Liu, K. Maruta*, Experimental and numerical investigations of flame pattern formations in a radial microchannel. Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 32: 3059-3066, 2009
    [20]A.W. Fan*, S. Minaev, S. Kumar, W. Liu, K. Maruta, Regime diagrams and characteristics of flame patterns in radial microchannels, Combustion and Flame, 153: 479-489, 2008

    [1] X. Xiang, W. Liu, A.W. Fan*, Comparison between the cooling performances of micro-jet impingement systems using liquid metal and water as coolants for high power electronics, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 173:107375, 2022
    [2] X. Xiang, Y. Fan, W. Liu, A.W. Fan*, Comparison between thermal resistances of optimized water-based and gallium-based heat sinks using the genetic algorithm, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 30(3):1388-1406, 2020
    [3]X. Xiang, J.S. Yang, A.W. Fan*, W. Liu, A comparison between cooling performances of water-based and gallium-based micro-channel heat sinks with the same dimensions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 137: 1-10, 2018
    [4]X. Xiang, Y. Fan, A.W. Fan*, W. Liu, Cooling performance optimization of liquid alloys GaIny in microchannel heat sinks based on back-propagation artificial neural network, Applied Thermal Engineering, 127: 1143-1151, 2017

    [1]A.W. Fan, J.J. Deng, A. Nakayama, W. Liu*, Parametric study on turbulent heat transfer and flow characteristics in a circular tube fitted with louvered strip inserts, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55: 5205-5213, 2012
    [2]A.W. Fan, J.J. Deng, J. Guo, W. Liu*, A numerical study on thermo-hydraulic characteristics of turbulent flow in a circular tube fitted with conical strip inserts, Applied Thermal Engineering, 31: 2819-2828, 2011
    [3]Y.H. You, A.W. Fan*, W. Liu, S.Y. Huang, Thermo-hydraulic characteristics of laminar flow in an enhanced tube with conical strip inserts, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 61: 28-37, 2012
    [4]Y.H. You, A.W. Fan*, S.Y. Huang, W. Liu, Numerical modeling and experimental validation of heat transfer and flow resistance on the shell side of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with flower baffles, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55: 7561-7569, 2012
    [5]Y.H. You, A.W. Fan*, Y.M. Liang, S.P. Jin, W. Liu, F.Q. Dai, Entropy generation analysis for laminar thermal augmentation with conical strip inserts in horizontal circular tubes, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 88: 201-214, 2015
    [6]Y.H. You, A.W. Fan*, X.J. Lai, W. Liu, S.Y. Huang, Experimental and numerical investigations of shell-side thermo-hydraulic performances for shell-and-tube heat exchanger with trefoil-hole baffles, Applied Thermal Engineering, 50: 950-956, 2013
    [7]Y.H. You, A.W. Fan*, X.J. Luo, S.P. Jin, W. Liu, S.Y. Huang, A theoretical investigation in the effects of recycles on laminar heat transfer enhancement of parallel-flow heat exchangers, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 70: 27-36, 2013
    [8]J. Yang, A.W. Fan*, W. Liu*, A.M. Jacobi, Optimization of shell-and-tube heat exchangers conforming to TEMA standards with designs motivated by constructal theory, Energy Conversion and Management, 78: 468-476, 2014
    [9]J. Guo, Y.X. Yan, W. Liu, F.M. Jiang*, A.W. Fan*, Effects of upwind area of tube inserts on heat transfer and flow resistance characteristics of turbulent flow, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 48: 147-155, 2013
    [10]J. Guo, Y.X. Yan, W. Liu, F.M. Jiang*, A.W. Fan*, Enhancement of laminar convective heat transfer relying on excitation of transverse secondary swirl flow, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 87:199-206, 2015

    [1]L.X. Chen, A.W. Fan*, Effects of shell modifications and operational parameters on melting uniformity of a vertical multi-section shell-and-tube latent heat thermal energy storage unit, Journal of Energy Storage, 55: 105593, 2022


    [1] 范爱武,李佳鑫,王世轩,一种适用于非预混燃烧的多腔回热型燃烧装置,专利号:ZL2021115331384;
    [2] 范爱武,王世轩,羊光耀,一种具有多级被动进风功能的微小型燃烧器,专利号:ZL202010051459X;
    [3] 范爱武,王世轩,一种适用于热发电的微小型非预混燃烧器,专利号:ZL2019107790687;
    [4] 范爱武,袁自力,李林洪,一种具有波纹板的微小型非预混燃烧器,专利号:ZL2019101453675;
    [5] 范爱武,王世轩,袁自力,一种微小型尾气再循环式燃烧器,专利号:ZL2019101436133;
    [6] 范爱武,杨景珊,刘伟,一种放射状肋片表面有凸起的散热器,专利号:ZL2018115708209;
    [7] 范爱武,王飞龙,王特,杨金国,刘伟,一种强化管内对流换热的扰流元件,专利号:ZL2013102678715;
    [8] 范爱武,万建龙,张贺,张婧宜,刘伟,一种微燃烧发电装置,专利号:2013103965276;
    [9] 范爱武,万建龙,张婧宜,张贺,刘伟,一种分级混合的微小型扩散燃烧器,专利号:2013100624744;
    [10] 范爱武,刘思远,张若昀,杨金国,刘伟,一种微小型燃烧器,专利号:2011100571466;


    1. 入选斯坦福全球顶尖2%科学家排行榜(2022);
    2. 入选全球顶尖10万名科学家排行榜(2022);
    3. 入选2021年爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(2022);
    4. ESI Highly Cited Paper一篇(2021);
    5. 入选2020年爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(2021);
    6. ESI Highly Cited Paper一篇(2019);
    7. Chemical Engineering and Processing杂志封面论文(2019);
    8. 伟德国际1946源自英国教学质量二等奖(2019);
    9. 国家优秀硕士生奖学金获得者(2名)指导老师(2018);
    10. ESI Hot Paper一篇(2017);
    11. ESI Highly Cited Paper两篇(2016);
    12. 国家优秀博士生奖学金获得者指导老师(2015);
    13. 伟德国际1946源自英国优秀科研工作者(2015);
    14. 教育部科技进步一等奖(2015,7/11);
    15. ESI Highly Cited Paper两篇(2015);
    16. 湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导老师(2015);
    17. ESI Highly Cited Paper一篇(2014);
    18. 国家优秀博士生奖学金获得者指导老师(2013);
    19. 湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导老师(2013);
    20. 伟德国际1946源自英国教学质量二等奖(2010,2011,2012);
    21.  Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering杂志年度亮点文章(2007);
    22. 伟德国际1946源自英国研究生科技十佳(2003)。