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姓 名 钱鑫 性 别
职 称 教授 毕业学校 科罗拉多大学博尔德校区
个人主页 http://x-thermal.energy.hust.edu.cn/
邮 箱 xinqian21@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 清洁能源大楼S808
鑫钱,伟德国际1946官方网教授。2014年本科以荣誉员工毕业于伟德国际1946官方网第一届创新实验班,2019年博士毕业于科罗拉多大学博德校区机械工程系,并获应用科学于工程学院年度唯一的杰出博士论文奖。2019-2021年于麻省理工学院从事博士后研究。2021年入选海外高层次人才项目青年项目与湖北省海外人才项目。专注微纳尺度热输运和能量转换,目前主要研究兴趣包括:机器学习驱动的热反射扫描成像、电化学与离子输运器件、声子输运机理等。主持并参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、科技部重点研发计划等。系列工作发表于Science, Nature Materials, Materials Science & Engineering-R, Physical Review B, Advanced Materials, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters等Top权威期刊。


    2019.5-2021.5 麻省理工学院,机械工程系,博士后
    2014.8-2019.5 科罗拉多大学博德校区,机械工程系,PhD
    2010.5-2014 伟德国际1946源自英国,伟德国际1946官方网,本科


    1.    微纳尺度热、离子输运:结合第一性原理、机器学习、分子动力学等理论方法,和超快光学实验对复杂能源材料的输运过程进行研究。应用包括:高温热障材料、宽带隙半导体、离子热电材料等。
    2.    低品位热源废热回收:开发液流电池、热化电池等电化学手段开发利用低品位废热的高效技术,填补占能源排放60%以上的低温废热高效回收技术的空白。



    # 共同一作,*通讯作者
    1.    Xin Qian and Ronggui Yang, Machine learning for predicting thermal transport properties of solids, Materials Science & Engineering R (IF = 36.214), 146, 100642, 2021.
    2.    Cheng-Gong Han (#), Xin Qian (#), Qikai Li, Biao Deng, Yongbin Zhu, Zhijia Han, Wenqing Zhang, Weichao Wang, Shien-ping Feng, Gang Chen and Weishu Liu, Giant thermopower in ionic gelatin near room temperature, Science, 368, 1091-1098, 2020
    3.    Xin Qian (#), Jiawei Zhou (#), Gang Chen, Phonon-engineered extreme thermal conductivity materials, Nature Materials, 20, 1188-1202, 2021.
    4.    Xin Qian*, Jungwoo Shin, Yaodong Tu, James Han Zhang and Gang Chen*, Thermally Regenerative Electrochemically Cycled Flow Batteries with pH Neutral Electrolytes for Harvesting Low-Grade Heat, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, DOI: 10.1039/D1CP01988K , 2021.
    5.    Yoichiro Tsurimaki (#), Xin Qian (#), Simo Pajovic and Gang Chen, Large Non-reciprocal Absorption and Emission in Type-I Ferromagnetic Weyl Semimetals, Physical Review B, 101, 165426, 2020.
    6.    Xin Qian, Zhiwei Ding, Jungwoo Shin, Aaron J. Schmidt and Gang Chen, Accurate Measurement of In-plane Thermal Conductivity of Layered Materials without Metal Film Transducer Using Frequency Domain Thermoreflectance, Review of Scientific Instruments, 91, 064903, 2020.
    7.    Jun Yang (#), Xin Qian (#), Wei Pan, Ronggui Yang, Yi Han, Meng Zhao, Muzhang Huang, Zheng Li and Chunlei Wan, Diffused Lattice Vibration and Ultralow Thermal Conductivity in the Binary Ln–Nb–O Oxide System, Advanced Materials, 31, 1808222, 2019.
    8.    Xin Qian, Shenyou Peng, Xiaobo Li, Yujie Wei and Ronggui Yang, Thermal Conductivity Modeling using Machine Learning Potentials: Application to Crystalline and Amorphous Silicon, Materials Today Physics, 10, 100140, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.mtphys.2019.100140
    9.    Xin Qian and Ronggui Yang, Temperature Effect on Phonon Dispersion of Zirconium by Machine Learning driven Atomistic Simulations, Physical Review B, 98, 224108, 2018.
    10.    Xin Qian, Puqing Jiang, Peng Yu, Xiaokun Gu, Zheng Liu and Ronggui Yang, Anisotropic Thermal Transport in van der Waals Layered Alloys WSe2(1-x)Te2x, Applied Physics Letters, 112, 241901, 2018.
    11.    Puqing Jiang (#), Xin Qian (#), Xiaokun Gu and Ronggui Yang, Probing Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides MX2 (M = Mo, W and X = S, Se) using Time-Domain Thermoreflectance, Advanced Materials, 29, 1701068, 2017.
    12.    Xin Qian, Xiaokun Gu and Ronggui Yang, Thermal Conductivity Modeling of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Crystals and Superlattices, Nano Energy, 41, 394-407, 2017. (Featured by Advances in Engineering)
    13.    Xin Qian, Puqing Jiang and Ronggui Yang, Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity of 4H and 6H Silicon Carbide Measured using Time-domain Thermoreflectance, Materials Today Physics, 3, 70-75, 2017.
    14.    Xin Qian, Xiaokun Gu, Ronggui Yang, Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Organic – Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 063902, 2016 (Highlighted among the Top 10 Most Cited Papers published in 2016)
    15.    Xin Qian, Xiaokun Gu, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Ronggui Yang, Anisotropic Tuning on Graphite Thermal Conductivity by Lithium Intercalation, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7, 4744-4750, 2016.
    16.    Xin Qian, Xiaokun Gu, Ronggui Yang, Anisotropic Thermal Transport in Organic –Inorganic Hybrid Crystal β-ZnTe(en)0.5, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 28300-28308, 2015
