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姓 名 杨军 性 别
职 称 教授(博导) 毕业学校
个人主页 http://faculty.hust.edu.cn/yangjun5/en/index.htm
邮 箱 yang_jun@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 湖北省武汉市伟德国际1946源自英国动力楼 430074
杨军,伟德国际1946源自英国教授、博士生导师。本科毕业于清华大学,获美国普渡大学(Purdue University)博士学位,先后在威斯康星大学(University of Wisconsin)、保罗-谢尔研究院(Paul Scherrer Institut) 从事研究工作。现任核工程与核技术系主任、经理助理,先进核能系统分析计算中心主任。兼任国际清洁能源论坛理事、中国辐射防护学会教育与科普分会理事、教育部核工程类教指委委员、湖北省核学会理事。担任英文期刊the International Journal of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Design and Technology (JANDT)编委及多个国际期刊审稿人,“核能前沿科技青年学术论坛”发起人。现主持国家自然科学基金委专项基金项目及多个国防及企业科研项目。已发表期刊和会议论文60余篇,其中SCI论文20余篇,出版专著、译著多本。(Researcher ID:  J-3541-2014)


    2000              清华大学工程物理系 学士
    2003              中国原子能科学研究院 硕士
    2010              美国普渡大学(Purdue University) 博士
    2011-2013      美国威斯康星大学(University of Wisconsin)博士后
    2013-2015      瑞士保罗谢尔研究院(Paul Scherrer Institut)研究人员
    2015-今          伟德国际1946官方网教授




    1. 先进核能系统安全分析中的关键问题,基金委专项
    2. 事故模型的模化不确定性研究,国防项目
    3. 整体效应实验相关模型,企业科技项目
    4. 航行器中的热物理与控制耦合研究,自主创新项目


    (1)    Deng, C., Zhang, X., Yang, Y., Yang, J*., 2019b. Research on scaling design and applicability evaluation of integral thermal-hydraulic test facilities: A review. Ann Nucl Energy 131, 273-290. [Link]

    (2)    Dong, S.-c., Yang, J*., 2019. Overview of the test facilities and experimental studies and simulation research on the performance of filtered containment venting systems with wet scrubber. Ann Nucl Energy. In press.

    (3)    Yang, J*., et al., Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty analysis of a large break LOCA on Generation III reactor with RELAP5. Annals of Nuclear Energy 127 (2019) pp. 326-340 [Link]

    (4)    J. Yang*, D. Suckow, T. Lind And H.-M. Prasser, Study of Level Swell at VEFITA Facility for Filtered Containment Venting System, Progress of Nuclear Energy 113 (2019) pp. 7-17[Link].

    (5)    Deng, C. Chen, L. Yang, J, et al., Best-estimate calculation plus uncertainty analysis of SBLOCA transient for the scale-down passive test facility. Progress in Nuclear Energy 112, (2019) pp. 191-201 [Link]

    (6)    J. Yang*,Doo Yong Lee, Shuichiro Miwa, Shao-wen Chen, “Overview of filtered containment venting system in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 119 (2018), pp. 87-97 [Link]

    (7)    J. Yang*, M. S. Greenwood, M. Angelis, M. Avery, M. Anderson, M. Corradini, J. Matos, F. Dunn, E. Feldman, “Study of Critical Heat Flux in Natural Convection Cooled TRIGA Reactors with Single Annulus and Rod Bundle Geometries”, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 180 (2015), pp. 1-13 [Link]

    (8)    J. Yang*, J. Lim, S. W. Choi, D. Y. Lee, S. Rassame, T. Hibiki, M. Ishii, “Behaviors of Passive Safety System under a Feed Water Line Break LOCA on a Generation III+ Boiling Water Reactor”, Progress in Nuclear Energy 83 (2015)pp. 35-42 [Link]

    (9)    J. Lim, J. Yang, S. W. Choi, D. Y. Lee, S. Rassame, T. Hibiki, M. Ishii*, “Assessment of Passive Safety System Performance under Gravity Driven Cooling System Drain Line Break Accident”, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 74 (2014), pp. 136-14 [Link]

    (10)    J. Lim, S. W. Choi, J. Yang, D. Y. Lee, S. Rassame, T. Hibiki, M. Ishii*, “Assessment of Passive Safety System Performance under Main Steam Line Break Accident”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 64 (2014) pp. 287-294 [Link] [Link]

    (11)    S. Rassame*, M. Griffiths, J. Yang, D. Y. Lee, P. Ju, S.W. Choi, T. Hibiki, and M. Ishii, “Experimental investigation of void distribution in Suppression Pool during the initial blowdown period of a Loss of Coolant Accident using air–water two-phase mixture,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 73 (2014) pp. 53-67  [Link]

    (12)    S. Rassame*, M. Griffiths, J. Yang, D. Y. Lee, P. Ju, S.W. Choi, T. Hibiki, and M. Ishii, “Experimental Investigation of Void Distribution in Suppression Pool Over the Duration of a Loss of Coolant Accident Using Steam-Water Two-Phase Mixture,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 75, (2014) pp. 570-580 [Link]  

    (13)    J. Yang*, S. W. Choi, J. Lim, D. Y. Lee, S. Rassame, T. Hibiki, M. Ishii, “Counterpart experimental study of ISP-42 PANDA tests on PUMA facility”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 258 (2013) pp. 249-257 [Link]

    (14)    J. Yang*, S. W. Choi, J. Lim, D. Y. Lee, S. Rassame, T. Hibiki, M. Ishii, “Assessment of performance of BWR passive safety systems in a small break LOCA with integral testing and code simulation”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 247 (2012) pp. 128-135 [Link]

    (15)    M. Avery, J. Yang*, M. Anderson, M. Corradini, J. Matos, F. Dunn, E. Feldman, “Critical Heat Flux in TRIGA-Fueled Reactors Cooled By Natural Convection”, Nuclear Science and Engineering 172 (2012) pp. 249-258 [Link]
