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姓 名 杨晴 性 别
职 称 教授 毕业学校 北京大学
个人主页 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qing_Yang28
联系方式 027-87558598
邮 箱 qyang@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 湖北省武汉市伟德国际1946官方网
杨晴,女,理学博士,教授,青年长江学者,中欧绿色能源金融研究所所长;新能源科学与工程系副主任;哈佛大学访问学者和联合研究员。主要从事可再生能源系统及其与气候变化、陆地资源、人类社会经济系统之间的关系,涉及多学科交叉的研究方向:清洁和可再生能源系统的碳排放计量与评价,能源系统的生命周期生态环境影响及评价,能源/环境/生态经济和政策,低碳经济学和气候变化经济学,以及生物质能/固废热转化等方面的研究。在Nature Communications,Nature Sustainability,PNAS等国际著名杂志上已发表百余篇论文,其中40余篇同时被SSCI收录,并有1篇论文进入Elsevier发布的应用物理大类最热门论文排行榜,名列第4名;10篇SCI/SSCI论文被收录为ESI高引论文(Highly Cited Paper),2篇被收录为热点论文(Hot Paper)。Google Scholar引用次数3675次,H指数37。讲授《生物质能源利用原理与技术》、《可再生能源概论》、《能源与动力工程专业英语》、《可再生能源与能源洁净利用》、《能源经济学》等课程;作为负责人承担了国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目,湖北省自然科学基金,参与了973课题、重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点课题等的研究。
    目前兼任哈佛大学工学院联合研究员,任IPCC第六次报告评审专家,国际杂志Energy Nexus副主编,国际能源经济学会(IAEE)、国际系统动力学会(SDA)会员。担任Joule,Sustainable and Renewable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy,Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy Policy, Fuel等十多个SCI期刊的审稿人,国家自然科学基金同行评议专家等。




    北京大学 ¬¬         工学院              流体力学            博士    2005年09月-2011年06月
    伟德国际1946源自英国    能源与伟德国际1946官方网   热能与动力工程    本科    2001年09月-2005年06月
    伟德国际1946源自英国 ¬¬     能源与伟德国际1946官方网   教授    2019年11月-至今
    哈佛大学          工程与应用科学学院    访问学者、助教    2015年07月-2017年06月
    伟德国际1946源自英国    能源与伟德国际1946官方网   副教授    2013年11月-2019年10月
    伟德国际1946源自英国    能源与伟德国际1946官方网   讲师    2011年07月-2013年10月


        可再生能源系统及其与气候变化、陆地资源、人类社会经济系统之间的关系及多学科交叉研究:生命周期分析,生物质能热转化技术和原理,基于大数据和人工智能的能源系统集成建模与优化,能源系统的碳足迹、水足迹等生态环境影响,可再生能源发展潜力评估及政策等方面的研究。


    国家自然科学基金面上项目     主持
    国家自然科学基金面上项目     已结题 主持
    国家自然科学基金青年项目     已结题 主持
    湖北省自然科学基金项目       已结题 主持


    已发表SCI论文百余篇,其中40余篇被 SSCI收录,1篇论文进入Elsevier发布的最热门论文(Top25)排行榜(排4);10篇ESI高引论文(Highly Cited Paper);2篇ESI热点论文(Hot Paper); Google Scholar引用次数3675,H指数37。Web of Science他引逾千次。15篇影响因子>15。
    1.    Peng Ya;Yang Qing*;Wang Liang;Wang Shuo;Li Junting;Zhang Xiong;Zhang Shihong;Zhao Haibo;Zhang Bo;Wang Changqing;Bartocci Pietro;Fantozzi Francesco. VOC emissions of coal-fired power plants in China based on life cycle assessment method; Fuel;2021;292.
    2.    Chen Yingqi;Ba Shusong*; Yang Qing*; Yuan Tian; Zhao Haibo; Zhou Ming; Bartocci Pietro*; Fantozzi Francesco Efficiency of China’s carbon market: A case study of Hubei pilot market; Energy;2021; 119946.
    3.    Yang, Qing*; Zhou, Hewen; Bartocci Pietro; Fantozzi Francesco; Masek Ondrej; Agblevor Foster A; Wei Zhiyu; Yang Haiping; Chen Hanping*; Lu Xi; Chen Guoqian; Zheng Chuguang; Nielsen Chris P; McElroy Michael B*; Prospective contributions of biomass pyrolysis to China’s 2050 carbon reduction and renewable energy goals; Nature Communication ;2021;12:1698.

    4.    Zhu Yuli; Chen Mengxi; Yang Qing*; Alshwaikh; Mohammed; Zhou Hewen; Li Jianlan; Liu Zhaohui; Zhao Haibo; Life Cycle Water Consumption for Oxyfuel Combustion Power Generation with Carbon Capture and Storage; Journal of Cleaner Production; 2020; 281.
    5.    Kang Yating; Yang Qing*; Bartocci Pietro; Wei Hongjian; Liu Sylvia; Wu Zhujuan; Zhou Hewen; Yang Haiping; Bioenergy in China: Evaluation of domestic biomass resources and the associated greenhouse gas mitigation potentials; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2020; 127:109842.
    6.    Zhu Yuli; Liang Ji; Yang Qing*; Zhou Hewen; Peng Kun; Water use of a biomass direct-combustion power generation system in China: A combination of life cycle assessment and water footprint analysis; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2019; 115: 109396.
    7.    Qing Yang*; Tianyue Huang; Saige Wang*; Jiashuo Li*; Shaoqing Dai; Sebastian Wright; Yuxuan Wang; Huaiwu Peng; A GIS-based high spatial resolution assessment of large-scale PV generation potential in China; Applied Energy; 2019; 247: 254-269.
    8.    Yang Qing*; Han Fei; Chen Yingquan; Yang Haiping*; Chen Hanping; Greenhouse gas emissions of a biomass-based pyrolysis plant in China; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2016; 53: 1580-1590.
    9.    Al Bkoor Alrawashdeh; Khalideh; Gul Eid; Yang Qing; Yang Haiping; Bartocci Pietro; Fantozzi Francesco; Effect of Heavy Metals in the Performance of Anaerobic Digestion of Olive Mill Waste; Processes; 2020; 8.
    10.    Zhou Hewen; Yang Qing; Shi Mengmeng; Li Jiashuo; Yang Haiping; Liberti Federica; Bartocci Pietro; Fantozzi Francesco; LCA Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion Plant Fed with Canteen Food Waste in a University in China; DEStech Transactions on Environment; Energy and Earth Sciences; 2019.
    11.    Wang Saige; Yang Qing; Chen Bin; The Synergetic Role of Solar PV in the Unit Commitment of Energy-water Nexus; DEStech Transactions on Environment; Energy and Earth Sciences; 2019.
    12.    Mei Yanyang; Yang Qing; Haiping Yang; Li Jiashuo; Yingquan Chen; Zhang Shihong; Chen Hanping; Impact of cellulose deoxidization temperature on the composition of liquid products obtained by subsequent pyrolysis; Fuel Processing Technology; 2019; 184:73-79.
    13.    Li JiaShuo; Zhou Hewen; Meng Jing; Yang Qing; Chen Bin*; Zhang Y. Y. *; Carbon emissions and their drivers for a typical urban economy from multiple perspectives: A case analysis for Beijing city; Applied Energy; 2018; 226: 1076-1086.
    14.    Yang Qing*; Zhou Hewen; Zhang Xiaoyan; Nielsen Chris; Li Jiashuo; Lu Xi; Yang Haiping; Chen Hanping; Hybrid life-cycle assessment for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of a typical biomass gasification power plant in China; Journal of Cleaner Production; 2018; 205: 661-671.
    15.    Huang Tianyue; Wang Saige; Yang Qing*; Li Jiashuo; A GIS-based assessment of large-scale PV potential in China; Energy Procedia; 2018; 152: 1876-6102.
    16.    Yang Qing*; Zhou Hewen; Zhang Xiaoyan; Nielsen Chris P.; Li Jiashuo; Lu Xi; Yang Haiping; Chen Hanping; Hybrid life-cycle assessment for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of a typical biomass gasification power plant in China; Journal of Cleaner Production; 2018; 205: 661-671.
    17.    Yang Qing*; Liang Ji; Li Jiashuo; Yang Haiping; Chen Hanping; Life cycle water use of a biomass- based pyrolysis polygeneration system in China; Applied Energy; 2018; 224: 469-480.
    18.    Zeng Kuo; Yang Qing*; Zhang Yang; Mei Yanyang; Wang Xianhua; Yang Haiping; Shao Jingai; Li Jiashuo; Chen Hanping; Influence of torrefaction with Mg-based additives on the pyrolysis of cotton stalk; Bioresource Technology; 2018; 261: 62-69.
    19.    Chen Bin; Yang Qing; Li Jiashuo*; Chen Guoqian*; Decoupling analysis on energy consumption; embodied GHG emissions and economic growth — The case study of Macao; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2017; 67: 662-672.
    20.    Chen Bin; Li Jiashuo*; Chen Guoqian; Wei W.D.; Yang Qing; China's energy-related mercury emissions: Characteristics; impact of trade and mitigation policies; Journal of Cleaner Production; 2017; 141: 1259-1266.
    21.    Yang Haiping; Liu Biao; Chen Yingquan ; Chen Wei; Yang Qing; Chen Hanping; Application of biomass pyrolytic polygeneration technology using retort reactors; Bioresource Technology; 2016; 200:64-71.
    22.    Chen; G. Q*; Li; J. S; Chen; B; Wen; C.; Yang; Q.; Alsaedi; A.; Hayat; T. An overview of mercury emissions by global fuel combustion: The impact of international trade; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2016; 65: 345-355.
    23.    Mei Yanyang; Che Qingfeng; Yang Qing*; Christopher Draper; Yang Haiping; Zhang Shihong; Chen Hanping; Torrefaction of different parts from a corn stalk and its effect on the characterization of products; Industrial Crops and Products; 2016; 92: 26-33.
    24.    Xiaodong Wu; Qing Yang #; Guoqian Chen*; Tasawar Hayat; Ahmed Alsaedi; Progress and prospect of CCS in China: Using learning curve to assess the cost-viability of a 2 x 600 MW retrofitted oxyfuel power plant as a case study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2016.7; 60: 1274-1285.
    25.    Chen Lei; Wang Xianhua*; Yang Haiping; Lu Qiang*; Li Di; Yang Qing; Chen Hanping; Study on pyrolysis behaviors of non-woody lignins with TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS; Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis; 2015; 113: 499-507.
    26.    Xiaofang Wu; Guoqian Chen*; Xiaodong Wu; Qing Yang*; Ahmed Alsaedi; Tasawar Hayat; Bashir Ahmad. Renewability and sustainability of biogas system: Cosmic exergy based assessment for a case in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2015.11; 51: 1509-1524.
    27.    Yanyang Mei; Rujie Liu; Qing Yang*; Haiping Yang*; Jingai Shao; Christopher Draper; Shihong Zhang; Hanping Chen. Torrefaction of cedarwood in a pilot scale rotary kiln and the influence of industrial flue gas. Bioresource Technology; 2015.02; 177: 355-360.
    28.    Chen Yingquan*; Yang Haiping*; Yang Qing*; Hao Hongmeng*; Zhu Bo*; Chen Hanping*; Torrefaction of agriculture straws and its application on biomass pyrolysis poly-generation; Bioresource Technology; 2015; 156: 70-77.
    29.    Chen Yingquan*; Liu Biao*; Yang Haiping*; Yang Qing*; Chen Hanping*; Evolution of functional groups and pore structure during cotton and corn stalks torrefaction and its correlation with hydrophobicity; Fuel; 2014; 137: 41-49.
    30.    Wu X.F.; Wu X.D.; Li J.S.; Xia X.H.; Mi T. Q. Yang∗; Chen G.Q.; Ecological accounting for an integrated “pig–biogas–fish” system based on emergetic indicators; Ecological Indicators; 2014; 47: 189-197.
    31.    Yang Qing; Chen Guoqian; Greenhouse gas emission of corn-ethanol production in China; Ecological Modelling; 2013;252: 176-184.
    32.    Yang Qing*; Chen Guoqian*; Liao S.; Zhao Y.H.; Peng H.W.; Chen H.P.; Environmental sustainability of wind power: An emergy analysis of a Chinese wind farm; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2013; 25:229-239.
    33.    Yang Qing; Chen Guoqian*; Nonrenewable energy cost of corn-ethanol in China; Energy Policy; 2012; 41.
    34.    Chen Guoqian*; Yang Qing*; Zhao Y.H.; Wang Z.F.; Nonrenewable energy cost and greenhouse gas emissions of a 1.5 MW solar power tower plant in China; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2011;15:1961-1967.
    35.    Chen Guoqian; Yang Qing; Zhao Yuhuan; Renewability of wind power in China: A case study of nonrenewable energy cost and greenhouse gas emission by a plant in Guangxi; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2011; 15:2322-2329.
    36.    Xia X.H.; Huang G.T.; Chen Guoqian*; Zhang Bo; Chen Z.M.; Yang Qing; Energy security; efficiency and carbon emission of Chinese industry; Energy Policy; 2011; 39:3520-3528.
    37.    Yang; Qing.; Chen Bin.; Ji Xi; He Y. F.; Chen Guoqian*; Exergetic evaluation of corn-ethanol production in China; Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation; 2009; 14:2450-2461.
    杨晴,王丽丽,钟淋涓,岳建芝,李佳硕,新能源技术经济学,中国水利水电出版社; 2018

    杨晴; 刘英鹏; 邵敬爱; 梅艳阳; 杨海平; 魏昕彤; 王贤华; 毕晟; 陈汉平; 一种便携式抽气型的可发电生物质炉; 2016-09-28; 中国; ZL201410447363.X.
    杨晴; 刘英鹏; 邵敬爱; 曾阔; 杨海平; 王贤华; 张世红; 陈汉平; 一种生物质热转化教学实验装置; 2019-08-30; 中国; ZL201710022750.2.
    王贤华; 李攀; 杨晴; 邓勇; 李斌; 杨海平; 邵敬爱; 张世红; 陈汉平; 一种生物质热解气化制备合成气的方法及装置; 2017-05-10; 中国; ZL201410818064.2.
    杨海平; 冯磊; 杨晴; 邵敬爱; 陈应泉; 王贤华; 李斌; 张世红; 陈汉平; 罗博; 一种适用于高水分宽粒径低阶煤的流化床分级干燥装置; 2017-04-26; 中国; ZL201510161813.3.
    杨海平; 田路泞; 杨晴; 李斌; 王贤华; 张世红; 陈汉平; 邵敬爱; 一种用于大试样测试的热重反应器; 2016-02-24; 中国; ZL201410019356.X.

