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姓 名 温昶 性 别
职 称 副教授 毕业学校 伟德国际1946源自英国
联系方式 027-87558598
邮 箱 wenchang@hust.edu.cn
温昶,湖北汉川人,汉族,中共党员。2013年获伟德国际1946源自英国工学博士学位,2016年入职任教新能源科学与工程系。发表第一/通讯作者SCI论文30篇,包括学院学术引导性期刊4篇、能源领域顶级期刊Progress in Energy and Combustion Science(IF 29.5),申请国家发明专利12项,授权5件。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目/青年基金、国家重点研发计划子课题2项、中国博士后科学基金面上资助/国际交流计划学术交流项目等项目,参与国家自然科学基金国际合作重点基金、科技支撑计划、湖北省重大创新项目等多项。2011年在澳大利亚教育部Endeavour(奋进)研究奖的资助下,赴澳大利亚科廷大学化工系进行了14个月的合作研究。曾以第一作者身份获得2011年和2012年中国工程热物理学会燃烧分会优秀论文奖,获2015年湖北省优秀博士学位论文奖;SCI期刊Atmosphere特刊主编,《洁净煤技术》青年编委,院企氢能与可再生能源研究中心主任,参编中国电机工程学会团体标准1项;全国老员工节能减排大赛、可再生能源科技竞赛获奖指导教师、校老员工创新创业活动优秀指导教师、校优秀教师班主任。任PCI, EST, CEJ, BT, JCP, Fuel,化工学报,中国电机工程学报,热力发电等国内外20余个学术期刊审稿专家。目前已培养毕业1名博士、9名硕士。讲授《可再生能源与能源洁净利用》、《地热能技术与应用》、《风力发电原理与技术》等本科课程和《燃烧理论及应用》、《高等燃烧学》等研究生课程。
Email: wenchang@hust.edu.cn


    2007.09-2013.11  博士,伟德国际1946官方网 煤燃烧国家重点实验室
    2012.02-2013.04  奋进奖访问学者,澳大利亚科廷大学化工系
    2013.12-2016.02  博士后,伟德国际1946源自英国煤燃烧国家重点实验室
    2016.02-2017.11  讲师,伟德国际1946源自英国 伟德国际1946官方网 新能源科学与工程系
    2017.12-        副教授/博导,伟德国际1946源自英国 伟德国际1946官方网 新能源科学与工程系






    [1].Chang Wen, Tianyu Liu, Dapeng Wang, Yaqin Wang, Hanping Chen, Guangqian Luo, Zijian Zhou, Changkang Li, Minghou Xu*. Biochar as the effective adsorbent to combustion gaseous pollutants: preparation, activation, functionalization and the adsorption mechanisms. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 99, 101098. (IF: 29.5)
    [2].Yaqin Wang, Chang Wen*, Jing Tu, Zhonghua Zhan, Bohan Zhang, Qian Liu, Zhiyin Zhang, Huimin Hu, Tianyu Liu. The multi-scenario projection of cost reduction in hydrogen production by proton exchange membrane (PEM) water electrolysis in the near future (2020-2060) of China. Fuel, 2023, 354, 129409.
    [3].Tianyu Liu, Chang Wen*, Wenyu Wang, Yaqing Wang, Dapeng Wang, Bohan Zhang, Qian Liu. Ash fouling behavior during the combustion of bituminous coal and high-Ca pyrolytic biochar under air and oxyfuel atmosphere. Fuel, 2023, 351, 128927.
    [4].Dapeng Wang, Chang Wen*, Bohan Zhang, Guangyue Zhu, Wuhao Wen, Qian Liu, Tianyu Liu. Sustainable eutectic mixture strategy of molten salts for preparing biochar with interconnected pore structure from algal residue and its performance in aqueous supercapacitor. Journal of Energy Storage. 2023, 69, 107935.
    [5].Rui Li, Chang Wen*, Kai Yan, Tianyu Liu, Bohan Zhang, Mingtao Xu, Zijian Zhou. Water splitting cycle for hydrogen production at photo-induced oxygen vacancies using solar energy: experiments and DFT calculation on pure and metal-doped CeO2. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11, 7128-7141.
    [6].Kai Yan, Chang Wen*, Rui Li, Bohan Zhang, Tianyu Liu, Qian Liu, Zijian Zhou. Morphological optimized CeO2 and Cu-doped CeO2 nanocrystals for hydrogen production by solar photo-thermochemical water splitting based on surface photoinduced oxygen vacancies. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 636, 157779.
    [7].Tianyu Liu, Chang Wen*, Ke Zhou, Changkang Li, Youjian Zhu, Dapeng Wang, Rui Li, Zhenqi Jing. Influence of collaborative disposal of sewage sludge in the fly ash partitioning and PM10 emission from a subcritical coal-fired boiler. Fuel, 2023, 331(2), 125871.
    [8].Chang Wen*, Youjian Zhu, Yishu Xu. Formation, Emission and Control Technology of Particulate Matters during Solid Fuel Combustion. Atmosphere, 2023, 14(1), 122.
    [9].温昶,张博涵,王雅钦,刘骞,涂正凯*,张志银,曲名新. 高效质子交换膜电解水制氢技术的研究进展. 伟德国际1946源自英国学报(自然科学版). 2023, 51(1), 111-122. (EI)
    [10].温昶*,文邬浩,王大鹏,井振启,刘 骞,徐明涛,朱光玥. 活性焦脱除烟气污染物研究进展. 洁净煤技术. 2023, 29(1), 63-87.
    [11].Tianyu Liu, Chang Wen*, Changkang Li, Kai Yan, Rui Li, Zhenqi Jing, Bohan Zhang, Jingjing Ma. Integrated water washing and carbonization pretreatment of typical herbaceous and woody biomass: Fuel properties, combustion behaviors, and techno-economic assessments. Renewable Energy, 2022, 200, 218-233.
    [12].Dapeng Wang, Zhenqi Jing, Yaqin Wang, Tianyu Liu, Bohan Zhang, Chang Wen*. The novel magnetic adsorbent derived from MIL-100 (Fe) loading with bimetallic Cu and Mn oxides for efficient Hg0 removal from flue gas. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 377, 134384.
    [13].Changkang Li, Chang Wen*, Dapeng Wang, Changxi Zhao, Rui Li. Emission characteristics of gaseous and particulate mercury from a subcritical power plant co-firing coal and sludge. Atmosphere, 2022, 13(10), 1656.
    [14].Rui Li, Zhenqi Jing, Jingjing Ma, Long Qin, Kai Yan, Chang Wen*. The influence of pore distribution of coal char in the char fragmentation and included minerals partitioning: A percolation modeling. Atmosphere, 2022, 13(4), 628.
    [15].周科,刘好文,刘天雨,彰金宝,井振启,温昶*,徐明厚. 市政污泥与煤混烧的颗粒物生成特性. 中国电机工程学报. 2022, 42(9), 3286-3294. (EI)
    [16].周科,刘好文,彰金宝,颜凯,王大鹏,石学强,温昶*. 含水/脱水市政污泥与煤混烧的NO和SO2排放特性研究. 锅炉技术. 2022, 53(1), 8-15.
    [17].Wang Wenyu, Wen Chang*, Liu Tianyu, Li Changkang, Liu Haowen, Liu Enze, Xu Minghou*. Emissions of PM10 from the co-combustion of high-Ca pyrolyzed biochar and high-Si coal under air and oxyfuel atmosphere. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2021, 38(3): 4091-4099.
    [18].Kai Yan, Chang Wen*, Tianyu Liu, Jingjing Ma, Rui Li, Jianqun Wu, Zhenqi Jing. Effects of torrefaction and water-washing on the mineral transformation behavior during co-combustion of straw and coal: A CCSEM analysis. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2021, 98: 124-130.
    [19].Tianyu Liu, Chang Wen*, Wenyu Wang, Kai Yan, Yongjun Xia, Rui Li, Juan Liu, Yang Zhang. Emission Behaviors of Submicron Particles (PM1) Generated by the Combustion of Sesame Stalk after Combined Water Washing and Carbonization Pretreatment. Energy Engineering. 2021, 118(3): 473-485. (EI)
    [20].彰金宝,刘好文,周科,温昶*,黄玮珍. 不同含水率污泥与煤混烧的燃烧特性与反应动力学研究. 锅炉技术. 2021, 52(4), 30-37.
    [21].Wenyu Wang, Chang Wen*, Tianyu Liu, Changkang Li, Lichun Chen, Jianqun Wu, Yuhao Shao, Enze Liu. Effects of various occurrence modes of inorganic components on the emissions of PM10 during torrefied biomass combustion under air and oxy-fuel conditions. Applied Energy. 2020, 259: 114153.
    [22].Wenyu Wang, Chang Wen*, Lichun Chen, Tianyu Liu, Changkang Li, Enze Liu, Yang Zhang. Effect of combining water washing and carbonisation on the emissions of PM10 generated by the combustion of typical herbs. Fuel Processing Technology. 2020, 200: 106311.
    [23].Wang Wenyu, Wen Chang*, Liu Tianyu, Li Changkang, Xu Jingying, Liu Enze, Liu Haowen, Yan Kai. Emission reduction of PM10 via pretreatment combining water washing and carbonisation during rice straw combustion: focus on the effects of pretreatment and combustion conditions. Fuel Processing Technology. 2020, 205: 106412.
    [24].Lichun Chen, Chang Wen*, Wenyu Wang, Tianyu Liu, Enze Liu, Haowen Liu, Zexin Li. Combustion behaviour of biochars thermally pretreated via torrefaction, slow pyrolysis, or hydrothermal carbonisation and co-fired with pulverised coal. Renewable Energy. 2020, 161, 867-877.
    [25].刘天雨,温昶*,邵宇浩,刘恩泽,潘祖明,陈晟,徐明厚. 复合聚并协同脱除燃煤颗粒物及颗粒态重金属的中试研究. 燃料化学学报. 2020, 48(11), 1378-1385. (EI)
    [26].Wenyu Wang, Wenqiang Liu*, Jian Sun, Yingchao Hu, Yuandong Yang, Chang Wen*. Reactivation of CaO-based sorbents via multi-acidification under N2 or oxy-fuel (with and without SO2) calcination conditions. Fuel. 2019, 244, 13-21.
    [27].Wenyu Wang, Chang Wen*, Changkang Li, Meng Wang, Xiaomin Li, Ying Zhou, Xun Gong. Emission reduction of particulate matter from the combustion of biochar via thermal pre-treatment of torrefaction, slow pyrolysis or hydrothermal carbonisation and its co-combustion with pulverized coal. Fuel. 2019, 240, 278-288.
    [28].Changkang Li, Chang Wen*, Wenyu Wang, Weijia Wang, Huiming Chen, Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu*. Reduction effect of co-firing of torrefied straw and bituminous coal on PM1 emission under both air and oxyfuel atmosphere. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2019, 37(3): 2723-2731.
    [29].徐明厚,王文煜,温昶,于敦喜,刘小伟. 燃煤电厂细微颗粒物脱除技术研究新进展. 中国电机工程学报, 2019, 39(22):6627-6640.
    Before 2018
    [30].Bin Fan, Chang Wen*, Xianpeng Zeng, Jianqun Wu, Xin Yu. Emission behaviors of inorganic ultrafine particles during Zhundong coal oxy-fuel combustion with characterized oxygen input fractions comparable to air combustion. Applied Science. 2018, 8(9), 1486.
    [31].Chang Wen*, Penghui Zhang, Dunxi Yu, Xiangpeng Gao, Minghou Xu*. Loading identical contents of sodium and quartz into different ash-removed coals to elaborately investigate the real effects of coal particle combustion on the emission behavior of PM10. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2017. 36(2): 2191-2198.
    [32].Chang Wen*, Wenyu Wang, Penghui Zhang, Xiangpeng Gao, Dunxi Yu, Changkang Li, Minghou Xu*. Effects of typical inorganics on the emission behavior of PM10 during combustion of ash-removed coals loaded with sodium and quartz. Energy & Fuels. 2017, 31(8): 8014–8022.
    [33].Chang Wen*, Bin Fan, Wenyu Wang, Xianpeng Zeng, Ge Yu, Weizhi Lv, Minghou Xu*. Preliminary research on the effects of coal devolatilization and char combustion processes on the emission of particulate matter during lignite combustion under air and oxy-fuel conditions. Energy & Fuels. 2017, 31(1): 224-230.
    [34].Chang Wen*, Xiangpeng Gao, Minghou Xu*. A CCSEM study on the transformation of included and excluded minerals during coal devolatilization and char combustion. Fuel. 2016, 172: 96-104.
    [35].G.Q. Chen, J.S.Li, B.Chen, C.Wen, Q.Yang, A.Alsaedi, T.Hayat. An overview of mercury emissions by global fuel combustion: The impact of international trade. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016, 65, 345-355.
    [36].温昶,于敦喜,徐明厚. 燃煤源PM10的CCSEM单颗粒分析. 工程热物理学报. 2016, 37(1): 217-221. (EI)
    [37].于敦喜,温昶. 燃煤PM2.5和Hg控制技术现状及发展趋势. 热力发电. 2016, 45(12): 1-8.
    [38].Chang Wen, Xiangpeng Gao, Yun Yu, Jianqun Wu, Minghou Xu, Hongwei Wu*. Emission of inorganic PM10 from included minerals during the combustion of pulverized coals of various ranks. Fuel. 2015, 140, 526-530.
    [39].Chang Wen, Minghou Xu*, Ke Zhou, Dunxi Yu, Zhonghua Zhan, Xin Mo. The melting potential of various ash components generated from coal combustion: indicated by the circularity of individual particles using CCSEM technology. Fuel Processing Technology. 2015, 133, 128-136.
    [40].Chang Wen, Dunxi Yu*, Jianpei Wang, Jianqun Wu, Hong Yao, Minghou Xu*. Effect of the devolatilization process on PM10 formation during oxy-fuel combustion of a typical bituminous coal. Energy & Fuels. 2014, 28(9): 5682-5689.
    [41].Chang Wen, Minghou Xu*, Dunxi Yu*, Changdong Sheng, Hongwei Wu, Ping’an Zhang, Yu Qiao, Hong Yao. PM10 formation during the combustion of N2-char and CO2-char of Chinese coals. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2013, 34(2): 2383-2392.
    [42].Dunxi Yu, Chang Wen, Minghou Xu. Effect of low-NOx combustion on PM10 emissions from pulverized coal-fired boilers. Energy & Fuels. 2013, 27(10): 5811-5815.
    [43].温昶,徐明厚,何兰兰,于敦喜,王建培,赵靓,姚洪. 褐煤热解与燃烧时矿物转化和细灰形成的CCSEM研究. 工程热物理学报. 2012, 33(4): 703-706. (EI)
    [44].温昶,徐明厚,于敦喜,周科,占中华,赵靓,姚洪. 煤粉O2/CO2燃烧时PM2.5及其Fe、S的生成特性. 化工学报. 2011, 62(4): 1062-1069. (EI)
    [45].温昶,徐明厚,于敦喜,岳良,周科,占中华,姚洪. 煤焦破碎及颗粒物形成的逾渗模拟. 中国电机工程学报. 2011, 31(11): 45-50. (EI)
    [46].温昶,徐明厚,王建培,赵靓,占中华,于敦喜,莫鑫. 煤粉与煤焦燃烧时颗粒物的生成特性研究. 工程热物理学报. 2011, 32(5): 879-882. (EI)
    [47].温昶,徐明厚,王建培,赵靓,于敦喜,占中华,莫鑫. 煤粉热解过程对PM0.1内元素成分的影响. 动力工程学报. 2011, 31(5): 375-370.
    [1].Dapeng Wang, Zhenqi Jing, Yaqin Wang, Tianyu Liu, Chang Wen*. Efficient Hg0 adsorbent bybimetallic oxide copper-manganese based metal-organic frameworks. CEN2022-Applied Energy Symposium 2022: Clean Energy towards Carbon Neutrality.  Ningbo,  China,  April 23-25,  2022.
    [2].Wang Wenyu, Wen Chang*, Liu Tianyu, Li Changkang, Liu Haowen, Liu Enze, Xu Minghou*. Emissions of PM10 from the co-combustion of high-Ca pyrolyzed biochar and high-Si coal under air and oxyfuel atmosphere. 38th International Symposium on Combustion. Adelaide, Australia, January 24-29, 2021.
    [3].Wenyu Wang, Chang Wen*, Tianyu Liu, Lichun Chen, Changkang Li, Yuhao Shao, Minghou Xu. Effects of various occurrence modes of inorganic components on the emissions of PM10 during the torrefied biomass combustion in air and oxy-fuel conditions. UK-China International Particle Technology Forum 2019. Edinburgh, UK, July 28-31, 2019.
    [4].Changkang Li, Chang Wen*, Zexin Li, Tianyu Liu, Wenyu Wang, Minghou Xu. CO2 and KOH activation of biochar: physicochemical properties and CO2 adsorption performance studies. 14th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. September 8-12, 2019.
    [5].Wenyu Wang, Chang Wen*, Ying Zhou, Changkang Li, Minghou Xu. Emission Behaviors of PM10 during Combustion of Pre-Treated Straw and Co-Combustion with Pulverized Coal. 10th International Aerosol Conference. St. Louis, Missouri, USA, September 2-7, 2018.
    [6].Changkang Li, Chang Wen*, Wenyu Wang, Weijia Wang, Huiming Chen, Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu*. Reduction effect of co-firing of torrefied straw and coal on PM1 emission under both air and oxyfuel atmosphere. 37th International Symposium on Combustion. Dublin, Ireland, July 30-August 5, 2018.
    [7].Chang Wen, Penghui Zhang, Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu. Loading the same contents of sodium and quartz into different ash-removed coals to elaborately investigate the effect of coal particle combustion on the emission behavior of PM10. 36th International Symposium of Combustion. Seoul, Korea, July 31-August 5, 2016.
    [8].Chang Wen, Dunxi Yu, Bin Fan, Xianpeng Zeng, Weizhi Lv, Minghou Xu. Effect of devolatilization and char combustion process on the emission behavior of PM10 generated from lignite combustion. The 2015 International Conference on Coal Science and Technology (ICCS&T). Melbourne, Australia, September 27-October 1, 2015.
    [9].Chang Wen, Minghou Xu, Dunxi Yu, Changdong Sheng, Hongwei Wu, Ping’an Zhang, Yu Qiao, Hong Yao. PM10 formation during the combustion of N2-char and CO2-char of Chinese coals. 34th International Symposium of Combustion. Warsaw, Poland, July 29-August 3, 2012.
    [10].Chang Wen, Minghou Xu, Zhonghua Zhan, Dunxi Yu, Ke Zhou, Lanlan He, Jianpei Wang. Evolution of mineral matter during Chinese coal pyrolysis and combustion: CCSEM analysis. 11th International Conference of Energy for a Clean Environment. Lisbon, Portugal, July 3-7, 2011.
    [11].Chang Wen, Minghou Xu, Dunxi Yu, Ke Zhou, Hong Yao, Zhonghua Zhan. Formation characteristics and elemental health effects of PM2.5 during O2/CO2 combustion of pulverised coal. Proceedings of the A&WMA International Specialty Conference. Xi’an, China, May 10-14, 2010.
    [1].温昶,生物焦与煤燃烧的颗粒物排放行为研究,第5届青年燃烧会议“煤的清洁高效利用”专题研讨会,中国 北京,2019.4.12-14
    [1].温昶,徐明厚,于敦喜,王建培. 一种识别煤灰中不同矿物成分结渣倾向的方法;授权公告日:2015年7月1日;专利号:ZL 201310576293.3
    [2].温昶,徐明厚,于敦喜. 一种对固体燃料颗粒物单颗粒识别与分析的方法;授权公告日:2017年4月19日;专利号:ZL 201510020202.7
    [3].温昶,王文煜,邵宇浩,刘天雨,陈李春,常宇煊,冯晴. 一种利用生物质焦减排燃烧颗粒物的方法;授权公告日:2021年5月18日;专利号:201910637021.7
    [4].温昶,潘祖明,邵宇浩,徐明厚,陈晟,刘恩泽,刘小伟. 一种用于提高物理团聚效果的整流装置;授权公告日:2023年7月4日;专利号:201911291306.6
    [5].徐明厚,温昶,刘小伟,潘祖明,李长康. 一种脱除细颗粒物的控制系统及其智能控制方法;授权公告日:2019年8月9日;专利号:201711323802.6
    [6].温昶,叶朝希,陈心宇,颜凯,李锐,于洁,徐明厚. 一种耦合光热发电的太阳能分解水制氢系统;申请日:2023年05月19日;申请号:202310589351X
    [7].温昶,颜凯,李锐,张博涵,徐明厚,刘天雨. 一种基于光热水解制氢的微观形貌可控纳米二氧化铈催化剂;申请日:2022年8月31日;申请号:202211056960.0
    [8].温昶,王大鹏,刘天雨,徐明厚,潘祖明,陈晟,夏永俊. 一种耦合液滴增湿和烟温控制的颗粒物流动聚并装置;申请日:2021年4月28日;申请号:202110469706.2
    [9].温昶,吴鹏,冯晴,赵汉荣,刘恩泽. 一种耦合地源热泵和吸收式制冷功能的实验台及其应用;申请日:2019年9月12日;申请号:201910864873.X
    [10].温昶,刘恩泽,邵宇浩,徐静颖,王猛,李长康,徐明厚. 一种实现烟气参数和硬件参数调节的聚并器实验台;申请日:2019年8月8日;申请号:201921279555.9
    [11].温昶,阳威,石学强,孟桓如,刘天雨,秦效东,秦龙,徐明厚. 两步式热化学循环分解水进行制氢和产电的方法及系统;申请日:2020年10月21日;申请号:202011134841.3
    [12].温昶,戴宇,常宇煊,李长康,刘天雨,王文煜,徐明厚. 一种生物质吸附材料辅助净化处理烟气的工艺流程;申请日:2019年8月22日;申请号:201910779087.X


    2011.11,澳大利亚政府奋进研究奖“Endeavour Research Fellowship Awards”